Germinating Seed Help


Well-Known Member
So, it has almost been 48 hours since I put 3 seeds to germ. What I did was:

Soak Paper Towels with Room Temp Water

Place them in a Cooking Pot w/ Lid

Put a little water in the bottom

Put Lid on Top

Placed in Oven (Dark/Room Temp)

They have not cracked or anything. Could it be the weight of the paper towels on top? Should I give it more time? Any advice helps.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
some people say its best to just plant the seed, but i like to germ them in a paper towel myself. i dont use peroxide in my water but some will tell you to.
i take a shallow tupperware and line the bottom with paper towel. i use 3 sheets all folded like its 3 layers, then fold in half for 6 layers. wet it down with room temp. water and drain excess. sometimes i add a drop of super thrive or super plant tonic. i use sewing thread layed on top of the wet paper towel as a border to keep strains seperated. lay in the seeds and then another 6 layer of paper towel. wet it down again and drain residual. cover it with plastic wrap but i leave a small corner lifted up to breath a little bit but may not be necessary. i place it up near the ceiling in my furnace room. its about 80 - 83 degrees F near the ceiling. check them every 12 hours to see if its dry if so wet it down again. since ive been covering mine with the plastic wrap, i dont have to rewet for days. pretty much dont have to rewet cause mine are all popped within 36 hours.


Active Member
When i germinate my seeds i keep them in a incubator while doing the towel trick and set it to around 79 degrees. it usually takes 2 or 3 days if not overnight for the seeds to crack. but the paper towel trick has worked for me except the first time when i used bag seeds that were super old. only like 2 of 10 seeds germinated. hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. I found the seeds in my bud lol and thought, "Hey why not grow my own?" I hope the beans crack and I get some pretty ladies. :leaf:


Active Member
When I germinated mine I used the glass of water technique.

Popped the glass in the boiler cupboard for warmth and its the darkest place possible.
The warmth helps it aswell.

If they still don't break open try scuffing it with a matchbox. (sandpaper and gently file each side down slightly or line the box with sandpaper and pop the seed in and shake for a bit) Sometimes the shell is just too hard to absorb the moisture.

It can take up to three weeks for a seed to germinate anytime after that then its most likely a dud.


Active Member
When I germinated mine I used the glass of water technique.

Popped the glass in the boiler cupboard for warmth and its the darkest place possible.
The warmth helps it aswell.

If they still don't break open try scuffing it with a matchbox. (sandpaper and gently file each side down slightly or line the box with sandpaper and pop the seed in and shake for a bit) Sometimes the shell is just too hard to absorb the moisture.

It can take up to three weeks for a seed to germinate anytime after that then its most likely a dud.

thats interesting. i never would have thought about using sand paper before.


New Member
When I germinated mine I used the glass of water technique.

Popped the glass in the boiler cupboard for warmth and its the darkest place possible.
The warmth helps it aswell.

If they still don't break open try scuffing it with a matchbox. (sandpaper and gently file each side down slightly or line the box with sandpaper and pop the seed in and shake for a bit) Sometimes the shell is just too hard to absorb the moisture.

It can take up to three weeks for a seed to germinate anytime after that then its most likely a dud.

never heard so much bullshit in all my time of growing???????????
3 weeks for a seed to germinate i think you mean 3 days
sandpaper is for d.i.y not gardening.

jack tripper

Well-Known Member
never heard so much bullshit in all my time of growing???????????
i've heard of people soaking seeds in water overnight before planting or useing the paper towel method to germinate. and i've heard about the sandpaper thing too. personaly i just use the paper towel method and raise the temp in the room to 85 or so and my seeds usually crack in 12 hours


Well-Known Member
Get some paper towels and soak them with water thats room temperature and put your seeds in it and fold up the paper towel
then put it on a plate or sumthing and put a glass over it so that no paper towel is sticking out
then put it somewere dark check on it every day untill a white shoot comes out of the seed, wait till its like half an inch long
then stick it in your soil ( shoot down) and keep the soil moist till it sprouts, as soon as its out of the ground get light on it

thats how i do it, its worked great for me


New Member
heres my opinion..

1. Darknes really doesnt mater at all.

2. Soak seeds in cup of warm tap water only till they sink.. If one sinks before the others take it out and place it in between folded moist paper towels.

3. I like to drip a lil hot water ( not super supr hot, but hot none the less ) on top of the seeds and towel when I place in the towels and every 3-6 hrs ( appr. )

4.Put the moist paper towels into a ziplock or similar airtight container. This is where I have 2 diff methods.. One is to blow air into the baggie and seal it, and the other is to leave it unsealed.. I really dont know which is really better. I think they both have good points.. If its sealed it wont dry out but if its not sealed the seeds get needed fresh oxygen.

5. I normally just put the baggie and all into a drawer on on top of my TV and let it set for about 12-24 hrs.. If The seeds havent cracked by then, I add heat to the equation.. I put a tshirt on top of a reg heating pad and put the baggie on top of the tshirt,being careful not to get them "HOT" as I have literally "cooked" some really expensive seeds before not paying attention to the heat.

6. When they crack and have a taproot about this long >__< ill plant them into Jiffy 7 Peatr Pellets till they sprout. sometimes ill plant them sooner.. it really jsut depends on how long they have been germing )

7. I also use the Jiffy Dome and set it on top of the heat pad/shirt on low because the seeds will sprout faster if the pellets are kept warm.

All that really isnt a must as seeds will sprout if you just put them in soil obviously. But thats how I do it.After alot of trial and error lol.


New Member
Get some paper towels and soak them with water thats room temperature and put your seeds in it and fold up the paper towel
then put it on a plate or sumthing and put a glass over it so that no paper towel is sticking out
then put it somewere dark check on it every day untill a white shoot comes out of the seed, wait till its like half an inch long
then stick it in your soil ( shoot down) and keep the soil moist till it sprouts, as soon as its out of the ground get light on it

thats how i do it, its worked great for me
I think some of that is a bad idea imho.. First, if your towels are soaking wet the seeds can easily drown/rot. also a half inch taproot is really too long imho as it can get damaged easily and/or curl around the seed. a taproot jsut a few MM's long is plenty imho..

but w/e works for you I always say.


New Member
how do you germinate your seeds?

here is the pics of the gear i use.
one shows the cheap plastic prop with the clear lid(humidity dome).
one shows a dry jiffys and shows how they fit in the prop nicely(room for 20 jiffys).
the pic of the swollen jiffy shows you how i prep them soak them in warm water untill fully soaked then just squeeze the excess water out and shape it how it looks in the pic.
and one pic just shows what kind of weight you want the jiffy to be once prepped.
if i am planting maybe 10 seeds then i will weigh each jiffy to 38g to give consistency with the moisture level you can give them a light misting of water after 12 hrs and that will do untill they sprout.
once this is done just make a small 5mm deep hole in the top of your prepped jiffys and just simply drop the seeds in there holes straight out the packet cover them slightly with some peat from the jiffy put them in the prop put the lid on and keep in a drawer in TOTAL DARKNESS make sure the temps are 21-23* and you are most definately going to get 100% germ rate within 70-85 hrs.
i have done over 60+ seeds for various people just to get their sprouts started and never had one not soon as you see the peat cracking at the top of the pellet and life coming(any whiteness from the embrio/seed)then remove them from the dark and start your 18/6. NO LIGHT UNTILL THEN ONLY A QUICK CHECK ON PROGRESS.
i may do 6 seeds shortly for a friend and when i do i will show you the sprout as it cracks the jiffy surface.
Attached Thumbnails


Well-Known Member
Its been almost 72 hours. Its been about 60 and NOTHING... I will give it 4 days and if nothing comes out I'm gonna assume they are some bad beans... Very dissapointing if that's the case. Just glad I didn't buy the soil and what not before germing. That was a smart move on my part.


Active Member

Dude you suck!

People have their techniques they use you probably arent doing it right if it doesnt work for you!


If you don't believe me look at the subtext in the book The Cannabis Grow Bible page 30

QUOTE: 'Seeds take up to 3 weeks to germinate. After this time if no seeds have germinated check your seeds and your germination method. Usually seeds germinate together within a few days of one another. If all the seeds fail to germinate and your method was good then report this to the seed bank'

As for the sandpaper technique this is also from the same book on page 29

QUOTE: Most seeds fail to germinate do so because their shells, the Testa, are too hard to break open and allow water to seep in.' it goes on to say, 'You can help these seeds to grow by using a method known as scuffing.'

Simply get a small box, like a matchbox and line the inside of the box with sand paper. Place the seeds into the box, close and shake the box for a few minutes. Now that the seeds have been scuffed, their outer shells should break open more easily and the should germinate.'

To sum that up from my rant. Just because you don't know about it doesn't mean it doesnt work!!!!


New Member
Dude you suck!

People have their techniques they use you probably arent doing it right if it doesnt work for you!


If you don't believe me look at the subtext in the book The Cannabis Grow Bible page 30

QUOTE: 'Seeds take up to 3 weeks to germinate. After this time if no seeds have germinated check your seeds and your germination method. Usually seeds germinate together within a few days of one another. If all the seeds fail to germinate and your method was good then report this to the seed bank'

As for the sandpaper technique this is also from the same book on page 29

QUOTE: Most seeds fail to germinate do so because their shells, the Testa, are too hard to break open and allow water to seep in.' it goes on to say, 'You can help these seeds to grow by using a method known as scuffing.'

Simply get a small box, like a matchbox and line the inside of the box with sand paper. Place the seeds into the box, close and shake the box for a few minutes. Now that the seeds have been scuffed, their outer shells should break open more easily and the should germinate.'

To sum that up from my rant. Just because you don't know about it doesn't mean it doesnt work!!!!
if seeds take 3 weeks to sprout then they are either old or are being germinated wrongly.
i have heard of people using sandpaper and all types of germination methods(not reqd if your medium is kept humid and moist).
are you planting your seeds a mile under the soil for them to take 3 weeks to germinate??????.
your so full of shit.
this is one of my seedlings it was germinated the way i said above.
the seed was planted straight from the pack in to the jiffy on the 3rd of march(sprouted on the 7th) its now the 15th and the seedling has already got 10 leaves.
you cant seriously expect any grower to believe it can take up to 3 weeks to germinate a seed unless you are burying them a mile under the soil so stop talking shit and believe the truth.
i dont grow anymore i only germinate seeds for others and have done well over 70 sprouts without any failures and the longest seeds that took me to germinate were skunk special taking 4.5 days to sprout but 3 weeks hahahahahahahahahahahahahah.
my ass.
Dude you suck!
your right about the above i do suck "big blunts"
yes 3 days not
3 weeks:lol::lol:.
and if you stay in scotland pop in and i will show you how its done.
i stay in the capital city centre.