Germinating seeds


Well-Known Member
I've checked the ph in some of the bottled water it all runs just over 7. My tap runs about the same 7.2 most of the year. For the most part I run out of the tap when I think about, not often I lower it to 6.5 might even run it at that a few times in a row but then back to tap. Outside I don't even look at it cuz it would scare me I run water from the river and it's nasty bad. The plants don't mind.

smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
I've grown for many years and can't understand why people have such a hard confusing time about germinating seeds..... Ive been doing it the same way for over 10 years... here's my exact method.

I use a gas stove for the perfect temp setting (the older ones with the pilot)... I don't turn it on, the pilot light keeps the oven the perfect temperature...

I take a shot glass, fill it with sterile water at room temp, place my seeds in (they should float),

I then place the shot glass on a cookie sheet , then place a coffee mug over the shot glass (to keep it dark) and place it into the oven for 24 hrs.

I then check them in 24 hrs..Most of them should be cracked showing taproots. (it's that simple)

I take the ones with taproots and plant them, the ones not cracked I put back in the oven and check them evry 4 to 6 hrs until they crack.

This method gives me an almost 100% success rate...
I use to do the paper towel method but found the water method much much easier and 10 times better results... You don't have to use the oven, As long as you can find a warm spot, your good to go.. I wish the paper towel method would just go


Well-Known Member
paper towel rolled up in a baggie. Was the thing in 1978. think I even did it once a few years back when I started growing for real. i've had good luck with the soak and plant myself. I like to keep my temps at 75-80 untill they pop then back the temps down to 70-75.

smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
paper towel rolled up in a baggie. Was the thing in 1978. think I even did it once a few years back when I started growing for real. i've had good luck with the soak and plant myself. I like to keep my temps at 75-80 untill they pop then back the temps down to 70-75.
You just can't seem to go wrong with the soak method ... With the papertowl method, I use to have to keep wetting it ect.. just a pain in my


Its only had for me cus I live in Ct and am retarted and decided to grow in winter, so its cold and i didnt kow they neeed to be wrm, i thin i have the ide now tough