Germination/Propagation question


Active Member
I had a couple of questions regarding getting them going as I have never started from seed before.

*I presoaked all the seeds in water until they sunk, then they immediately went into 16 oz. party cups that were filled with dry OF soil. I buried each seed about 1in-1 1/18in. I then gave each cup ~200 mL of water and have them sitting in a warmish dark place as of Sunday morning.

1.) I know for a fact I planted the seeds with POINTED SIDE DOWN. Is this a big enough of a problem to where I should dig them up and switch them around?

2.) I am afraid I may have put to much water in the cups initially. Anyone have any guidance on how much (or if this was too much) to water the soil when you first sow your seeds?

I have not watered since I sowed the seeds.

3.) How long should I expect it to take for something to pop out of the ground if I planted them as soon as they sunk with no taproot showing.

Thanks in advance for your guys time


Well-Known Member
You wanted to put the seeds just below the surface.But this is not a major problem if you planted them deep they have to find there way to the top get the lights on your seed cups not to close to start.Thiswill aid them in finding whitch way to grow .The oter method is be very careful empty th soil and plants onto a table find the seeds then re plant them this is the option i wold go for.Plant them with just the tops pokeing out of the soil.


Well-Known Member
1) ive never cared abt which side of a seed should b up or down.... they've always sprouted..... DO NOT DIG THEM UP...

2) just wait till the soil is dry b4 re-watering.... water slowely till all the soil is wet... water every 2-5 days depending how long it takes to dry the soil out....
p.s. ur pots must have holes at the bottom

3) depends on strain... any thing b/w 10-30 days

best of luck