Germination Question

Hey, this is my first post...figured id give a question out to you guys!
Ive been keeping this seed in my ziplock bag with damp paper towel damped with distilled water since monday, and today i checked the seed and it now has opened and has a 1mm shoot.

I have Miracle grow organic mix right now and could plant int in a cup of it,but heard that was not good at all. So i bought some Ocean forest today and should get here Saturday.

Will my seedling live until saturday to be planted? if i keep the paper towels moist and all.
could somebody please help out? working with a Autoflowering Strain "Early Wonder Skunk" Feminized. Have 10 seeds, but 2 accidentally destroyed.


Active Member
Just plant it in the miracle grow mix for now, and when you get the ocean forest, take a spoon and scoop it out (with the soil) and transfer it. Poke a hole in the new pot and gently put the spoon of soil and seed into the hole. that way you only get a small amount of miracle grow mix into the ocean forest and you'll keep it alive until you get it.
alright, will it go into a "shock" or something because of the two different types of soils. as miracle grow has timed nutrients(garbage) and high pH levels


Active Member
I've used miracle grow potting soil just to see how bad it was and my plant actually did fine. You're only going to use a small spoonful in the end so you should be okay.


Active Member
you only need a light when the seedling surfaces. make sure you do research on how far the light should be from the plant. different lights have different strengths and this is measured by watts. there are also different types of light bulbs, like incandescent, flourescent, metal halide, high pressure sodium. It's wise to know exactly what youre doing before you do it so you cause the least amount of stress to the newly born marijuana plant.


Active Member
I've never done it but I don't see why not. It'll keep the moisture from escaping and it'll definitely keep it more humid inside.


Well-Known Member
ya just go get some seedling mix at any store plant your seed which could have been planted a day before you posted this...plant in party cup or sometihng small, yes place under light even before it breaks soil and when its a few inches it will be ready to transplant into the fox farm soil when you replant just flip the cup upside down and squeeze the bottom, already have the new spot ready and no there will be no shock...make sure to keep the dirt damp and make small holes in the party cup...damp not always soaked everyone go look at my grow report i just posted :)
Well, i planted it into a small styrofoam cup and poked 3 holes at the bottom, put some distilled water in a spray bottle and gave it a couple squirts.
Used, Miracle Grow Organic Mix


Well-Known Member
ya you will be just fine with that until its transplanted....but you want to make sure its doesnt dry out at this crucial stage...i usually pour water until it comes through the bottom a bit then dont put any water again until the top of the soil is starting to feel dry again...the distilled water is good and from now on if you like you can just refill those and leave the water out for 2 days this makes your own distilled water essentially