germination question


Well-Known Member
Was wondering if there's such a thing as letting seeds soak or sit in moist paper towel for too long, and how long is too long if there is....

Would anything be wrong with leaving seeds in moist paper towel for a full week or more in darkness before planting them? Do they die if left too long or attempt to spread other roots from the taproot out into the paper towel?



Well-Known Member
you can leave them in papertowel too long. It can take a little whille for the seed to crack, but once they grow too long in the papertowel and sprout in the papertowel, there is no light for it, so it can die, i wouldnt suggest leaving it in papertowel for a full week, my friend did that and they all sprouted and were a sick green color, no good.


Well-Known Member
It depends on how wet the papar towel is,ive forgot & left seeds germing in moist paper towels for about 2 weeks,when i opened the towel i had tap roots 6 inches long & they grew like a mofo.

The damm things looked like fat bean sprouts :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Was wondering if there's such a thing as letting seeds soak or sit in moist paper towel for too long, and how long is too long if there is....

Would anything be wrong with leaving seeds in moist paper towel for a full week or more in darkness before planting them? Do they die if left too long or attempt to spread other roots from the taproot out into the paper towel?

It can be....1 - 10 days, or so. I like mine to be about 3/4 - 1" long....that way I can take out the slower or weaker ones....


Well-Known Member
It depends on how wet the papar towel is,ive forgot & left seeds germing in moist paper towels for about 2 weeks,when i opened the towel i had tap roots 6 inches long & they grew like a mofo.

The damm things looked like fat bean sprouts :mrgreen:

depends i guess... i had some bag seeds in moist paper towel for 2 weeks... trying to get them to sprout, they were old and not stored properly so i dont think a lot of them were any good... after 2 weeks they were growing mold and i had to throw them out