germination questions


Active Member
I would like to increase my germination success.I currently use the paper towel on a plate method.2 layers under the seed,2-4 layers over the seed,very damp but not dripping when you tilt the plate.I then put the plate on top of my computer tower as it is warm there.I wrap the plate in cellophane to capture the moisture,and cover it with another plate to keep light out.I would like more info on room temps while germinating.Many seeds I have gotten from Attitude have not worked for me,and I just want to get the best conditions possible.


Well-Known Member
Natural is the safest most effective way. Moisten your soil in pots make a hole 1/4'' down, place seed pointed side up cover loosely and let nature take its course. Why try and mess with a method thats worked for a thousand years. Yeah people create new methods, but I stick with this way and never had problems.


Well-Known Member
I have to agree with drlearysbud with planting straight into soil. It is my preferred way.

That said, I use that method the most but also like using rockwool cubes and paper towels.

Depends on my mood really.


Well-Known Member
Exactly, it's so much easier than remembering to wet towels and transplant them. If you observe which end a sprout emerges, you can even plant them with that side pointed down, and they'll make a strong taproot right away before they pop up.

I love cracking a handful of beans and they all have the shell stuck on them just perfectly.


Tap root emerges from the pointier part of the seed; the flatter area of the seed, which I have actually heard referred to as the 'butthole' should face up.


Active Member
moist soil,pointy side down 1/8 to 1/4 inch below the soil,under floro light,75 degrees-got it

Interesting that you can identify which end of the "football" the tap root will come out