Germination techniques


Active Member
What're the best germination techniques you guys use? I'm thinking of just putting water in a cup and dropping the seeds in the cup which I'll store in a dark place.


Active Member
I'm all for the wet paper towel method. If you can add some bottom heat I've found that helps out ALOT as well (anything will work - seedmat, router, monitor, etc.) Just remember to keep it dark and moist.


Well-Known Member
I just sprouted 6 seeds using paper towel sitting on top of my router. 2 of the seeds cracked within 2 hours, 3 more cracked within 12 hours. The last one sat there for a week or so. Thought it was a dud, so just for shits and giggles I put some cloning root stimulant on it, and I woke up this morning, and not only did it crack, it's got a root that's 3/8" long.


Well-Known Member
use rockwool starter cubes.
Get a bucket of water (4ltrs)
add formulex using a pipette to get a CF level of 10-12
Now you want to re-adjust the ph back to 5.6-5.8. Because the seed is only young . I would reccomend only using a ph up or ph down, if this makes sense.
if the PH is too high ad water to lower the PH.
soak cubes overnight or for 30 mins in the bucket of water.
create a hole in the middle of cube apprxmtly 3-4mm deep.
Place seed in the hole and cover with the rockwool material.
Place in propagator and keep temp 20-25 0c
hen sprout appears out of cube , then place under light