Get in shape


Well-Known Member
Natural sugars are ok from fruit and veggies but no table sugar.
No white flours but some whole grains are ok and lots of brown rice and beans.
And lots and lots of beef, fish, chicken, green veggies.

I was close to 230 last year(August 2010) and now 178. I am aiming for an even 175 but a little more muscle.

View attachment 1574160

Oh yeah and according to the BMI chart, two pounds ago I was obese. BMI of 30 but now it is 29 and I am just overweight. lol


Well-Known Member
hey if all else fails try this one plant its natural its illegal in the usa but whats not lol i think iam going to buy some seeds and grow a plant or 2 for my self. just an option to help you out :) i weigh about 150 6.2. :D
wouldnt do that if i were you, here's the effects of this "khat"
Health risks and benefits

Immediate effects:

  • increased heart rate, breathing rate, body temperature, blood pressure
  • increased alertness, excitement, and energy
  • decreased appetite.
  • Cathinone has been found to produce coronary vasoconstriction due to the norephedrine metabolite activity upon ingestion. Therefore, Khat chewers have been found to have an increase incidence of myocardial infarction, possibly arising from vasospasms. (Reference: Al-Motarreb AL, Broadley KJ. Coronary and aortic vasoconstriction by cathinone, the active constituent of khat. Auton Autocoid Pharmacol. 2003 Oct-Dec;23(5-6):319-26.)
Long-term effects:

  • increases in severity of psychological problems (such as depression, paranoia, anxiety, irritation, and more severe psychological problems)
  • difficulty sleeping
  • impotence
  • gastrointestinal tract problems, such as constipation
  • inflammation of the mouth and other parts of the oral cavity
  • oral cancer.[29][30]


Well-Known Member
Eat smaller meals more 6 a day. Cut carbs out after mid afternoon. Low fat/high protein oveall. And of course do cardio and weights.


Well-Known Member
what is that graph stating for dependence, Cannabis is more "abused" and X etc is less likely to be addictive, but x, lsd are only slightly more harmful?