getiing seed from ur stash


New Member
well i grew weed this year from my own stash and it worked i got a 2 female plants not that big im a shitty planter but i want to grow weed for the rest my life. but im a big noob. i just want to know if u take a seed from your stash how do you know what kind of weed it will be like if i got a seed from some type of haze would it grow into haze?


Well-Known Member
You're kind of asking if you will grow tomatoes if you plant tomato seeds. Whatever kind of stash the seeds came from is pretty much what you're going to get. All you can do is try and improve upon the buds that came in your sack. It's entirely possible. Make sure you study the grow faq.


Active Member
Depends on the male that pollenated the female. If the male was a master kush, then you would end up with a new strain. Thats the beauty of bag seed you never know what the boy plant was.