getting comfortable with acid


so im going to be getting acid soon and i was really worried about the trip
ive taken shrooms twice before and my first trip was great but the comedown from the second time was the worst i have ever felt. I've never felt so depressed and hopeless before in my life. since then i have been hesitant towards psychedelics
what would be some thing i can do to make my self feel more comfortable with them?

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
I'm not that experienced, but I read a lot. The common thing is pay attention to your setting. You want it to be a pretty calm place. Don't do it around people that the don't trust. Keep the number of people around low. Be positive. Know that you're having a good time. If you get to feeling bad/weird/whatever, get up and go to another room, or talk a walk outside(as long as it isn't stressful outside), change the music/movie/whatever. I've done acid once and I did all those things and it was great.


Active Member
yup yup yup... be in a stress free enviroment and people you trust. wouldnt be a bad idea to have a sober person with you incase the trip gets outta hand, but i would just get some glow sticks and have fun lol

and when you had that bad come down, was there anything wrong in your life at the time? or a person there sending off bad vibes? psychedelics will break down any walls you have put up and make you its bitch if you arent content with yourself.


Active Member
so im going to be getting acid soon and i was really worried about the trip
ive taken shrooms twice before and my first trip was great but the comedown from the second time was the worst i have ever felt. I've never felt so depressed and hopeless before in my life. since then i have been hesitant towards psychedelics
what would be some thing i can do to make my self feel more comfortable with them?
I've taken shrooms more times then I can count and like you sometimes I feel like shit during the come down. Acid on the other hand is completely different. The first time I did acid was the single most significant night of my life so far. I took 2 tabs of some really good blotter and it was by far the best trip I've ever had. I had no feelings of anxiety or any negative feelings for that matter. If you are really worried about the come down on acid, which you shouldn't be I actually enjoyed every second of it, get ahold of some xanax. One bar and you'll be calm in no time. I've actually done this coming down from mushrooms a few times. Have a xanax and a couple beers and your back to normal in no time.


thank you this is all really helpful and i will defiantly get some xanax for the comedown i really like that idea.

and yea at the time i was having some problems with my boyfriend who i was taking them with and he was also having a some what bad comedown so that was defiantly the reason why it had just scared me more than i thought but all of your suggestions have helped a lot and i cant thank you guys enough i'll be sure to come back a report on my trip


Well-Known Member
treat acid with respect, in my conciderable experience it can be pretty gutwrenching.
At the extremes a number of common signs of mental illness step in, like the inabilit to read people's facial exprecions correctly. Or in fact to recognise familiar people.
In fact visualy I would say acid beats shrooms unless shrooms take you to a CEV world. I would also say the best and worst times of my life was probably on acid, and likely on the same trip.

For me acid is something that takes an equal amount to what its giving. With quite a heavy body load the next day also.

I do love acid for the mental amplification though, you litteraly get so smart, you get stupid.