Getting rid of bush turkeys (Aus)


Active Member
Im curious to find out if there are any ways of stopping bush turkeys scratching up my seedlings and my grow spots and destroying my plants? Like any sort of method that will stop them coming near my plants?


New Member
lol dude in hearing in aus to.

fence em off somehow, or go for a hunt near the area everynow and again kill as many of the fuckers as u can find..


Active Member
You havent heard of anything that will stop them coming near the plants? or something that i can use to poison there nest and them?

old pothead

Well-Known Member
Four sticks stuck in the ground around the plants,then wrap 20lb clear fishing line around the sticks.Does not stand out like a fence.OPH


Well-Known Member
you might be able to use some type of animal urine or your own or bring a pet dog to shit near the plot or take a poop yourself,and of course eat meat the night before .

heres some coyote piss lol selling for like 15$ a pound plus shipping and handling lol ahhahaah but yea i think they sell things like COUGAR urine that might work idk heres a link to coyote urine

heres fox urine idk if it would work tho

what i was looking for was cougar urine but i cant find it ,i thought they sold it but idk

old pothead

Well-Known Member
I can tell you from years of experiance human piss or dog piss does not work at stopping animals from getting your pot.With him being australia coyote piss will not mean a thing to them,they do not have coyotes in australia.OPH


Active Member
Predator (including human) urine is usually not effective against other predators. I am from the Mid-West US, and we have Eastern Wild Turkeys, Which are a very different bird but they can still c ause some problems. Urine is not effective against Turkeys because they have sight based defenses. Out here the only time urine would be used would be to keep away coyotes, rabbits, deer, etc. It just depends upone what type of urine, human or wolf can be best in my experience. There are chemicals available in flower catalogs that you can put out and will work for weeks to months, never used them but I know they exist.
The best protection in my experince is a chicken wire fence. I usually limit my plants to about 4 feet. I put out three-foot high chicken wire fence in a circle about 3 ft in diameter. In my experince, use branches and tent stakes to pin it down and bury a few inches to prevent burrowing by small animals. GL


Well-Known Member
AND IF YOU USE A CHICKEN WIRE FENCE burn it in a fire place or leave it out in the rain for a while to let it rust and take off that shiny finish that will attract attention


Active Member
Cheres for all the help everyone, might just use some stakes and fishing line as that seemed to work last time, its just a cunt to set up and im fairly lazy so that isnt good for me :D Or maybe even some cling wrap around the stakes :D:D:D:D