Getting some rain here in nor cal


Well-Known Member
Raining here in nor cal , sun this afternoon , getting a little wet but not drench , what do you think I should do to avoid mildew ???any help out there???


Active Member
the only thing you can do is shake the water off when it stops raining, unless they are in pots then you could move them.


Well-Known Member
Getting a good down pour in Solano Co. Hope the sun pops out soon or at least before dark. Humidity is supposed to be a little higher than normal for the next couple days, hope they are wrong. Anyway forecast for tomorrow is sunny. My colas are drooping but so far my supports are helping. Keeping fingers crossed. GL everyone.


Was coming down like hell a second ago where I am.

Run out and have some fun with a blow dryer after the rain? lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah, just went thru a major downpour. It's easing up now but I think there's more to come this evening. This my first outdoor grow, I've seen about every problem- all the bugs, worms, thrips, mites, gnats, etc., wind, heat waves, and now rain. I hope this doesn't lead to any rot or mold. Definitely looking into some sort of greenhouse or carport frame next year. Indoors is out of the question right now.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, just went thru a major downpour. It's easing up now but I think there's more to come this evening. This my first outdoor grow, I've seen about every problem- all the bugs, worms, thrips, mites, gnats, etc., wind, heat waves, and now rain. I hope this doesn't lead to any rot or mold. Definitely looking into some sort of greenhouse or carport frame next year. Indoors is out of the question right now.
watch craigslist for cheap/free carport frames........good luck......


Well-Known Member
Took out the blower and put it on low low low and dried them off then put them out in the sun, how long does it take for mold to take???

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Fuck major wind in fresno ca walked outside found some of my girls really leaning sideways i added some dirt straightened them out but im really worried will they die? Had this ever happened to anyone's plants are the roots fucked up!

thump easy

Well-Known Member
dry them out as soon as you can water is gona be in your bud it wont be able to get it out it will turn to mold buy some eagle 20 and if you got some time their is a systemic milder preventer you can feed them that will stop some of it but the bad part is i bet your too close to cutting fucken bummer...


Well-Known Member
Checked plants after major downpour. Had quite a few broken branches. Re-tied everything that I could. Had to chop six Cherry Pie branches, 3 med. and 2 smaller. The CP was only about a week away from harvest. Trimmed the 6 branches, very dense and sticky buds. Couldn't get them to my friends drying house, he's gone for the weekend, so I just laid them on screens setup in my garage with a fan. Hopefully I can keep the humidity and temps in a decent range. One thing I found out- I've got a much bigger yield than I estimated. Anyway ill have some heady high weed from this small early harvest. Boy that storm was a bitch- all forecasts for my area missed it, they were calling for possible light showers. Hope everyone else got through the rain with minimal damage. Ill try to post some trim pics tomorrow, I'm worn out.:peace:


Well-Known Member
After reading this i feel better.. i know i am not the only one shaking branches at night ! Good thing we didn't got hail, that will of been a very bad day.. good luck to those with broken branches, that's too sad, i don't even want to imagine, one of mine still have at least a month and a half to go down..
Lets hope for two month of sunny fall-winter ! after that it can rain ,snow or whatever !


Well-Known Member

My emergency partial harvest. About a week to week and half earlier than anticipated. Plants are looking a little beat up this AM, maybe some sunshine will help. Hate rainstorms like that.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
dry them out as soon as you can water is gona be in your bud it wont be able to get it out it will turn to mold buy some eagle 20 and if you got some time their is a systemic milder preventer you can feed them that will stop some of it but the bad part is i bet your too close to cutting fucken bummer...
Do not listen to this person and use eagle-20 or any other systemic fungicide. They are bad news at any time and would be very poisonous to use now. Naughty, bad rain.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
well thats what i sead it takes 28 days for it to come out but ya if you got 28 days to go i would i have a friend out thier two years ago wiped out a big grow all he had was salvaged bud and it was sad bud mold and broken.. he lost alot of weed and alot of people know he has them under a build in frame just incase he can put up pannels to devert the rain ill post a pic.. but if your in the third week fourth week it will work.. yes it is poison if it is this late... correct.. AND WHEN LIFE TAKES FROM A PERSON IT HURTS!!! I NOT TRYING TO HURT ANYONE.. I HERD A DESTRESS SIGHN I WAS TRYING TO HELP BUT YES THIS LATE DONT DO IT.. BETTER YET DONT EVEN LISTEN WHAT I HAVE TO SAY.. GOOD DAY AND I HOPE IT WORKS OUT!!!AND I JUST REREAD IT AND RELISED I DIDNT PUT THAT IN SOMETIME I THINK FASTER THAN I CAN TYPE AND YOUR RIGHT ITS A NO NO.. BIG TIME IM SORRY..