GH to boost nutes in my spray bottle


Well-Known Member
i posted this in the wrong forum last time, but anyway, i recieved my GH micro and bloom in the mail AFTER deciding to discontinue my DWC method and revert back to soil.

however i got curious. since i had 2 bottles of unused nutes lying around i decided to add them to my spray bottle using the same volumes as the lucas formula suggests.

doesn't this make you wonder if people should start doing this to spray-on the nutes to boost their grow?? will it boost my grow even though it was designed for hydroponic systems? id assume it should in theory since i added it to my water... though it will be going into the soil as a mixture like MG as apposed to being "the soil".

any thoughts?


Active Member
i considered doing this too, i thought though that nutrients are absorbed through the roots, so any in my spray bottle would be of little to no benefit. I do however mix a small amount of hydrogen peroxide with my spray water to better mimic rain water and to keep my grow tent clean. Is really easy to keep it beside my tent and quickly spray my hands before checking on my girls too.

hope this helps!