ghillie style


Well-Known Member
To all the "outdoormen" out there which bask their allmighty endeavors under the beams of light from atop; one might wonder if curious feet may stowe upon your wonderful sensi? well, if you've ever seen a ghillie suit then you would understand automatically why i'm here bringing you this idea today. All sorts of military has been using forever and it works to perfection. for all you out there reading this and dont understand what im talking about, type in "Ghillie suit" at google and check it. i believe you can also buy the material without as a blanket peice also so check it.

Well let me make a suggestion to all that this will benefit to either someone like me who grows in a pot or who grows in ground. Certain companies make more exp. and some cheap, but typically you can just match their styles to your surroundings. When it comes to my setup, i have a 1 1/2 ft. deep pot so i just took my jacket and buttoned it around the pot. The arms can be used to cover the soil and prevent detection even greater and also they keep the soil cool in the summer days.

If anyone has any subjections to this idea i would like to know others opinions and arguments to this idea. That being said, I thank all of you for your knowledge and expertise from the wise, the creative, and the scientific aspects of these plants we all love so much.


Well-Known Member
I would not waste money on that as you can just use your surroundings to meet the same goal. Spray paint is cheaper than your method which could easily help disguise a pot. Your wooded surroundings alone can be used to cover the pot and the soil. If you do this your not only hiding your plant with out spending money but also creating a free mulch on top of the soil. This can help retain moisture and temperature. I would also imagine the arms of your jacket would absorb water unless it's one of the expensive waterproof ghillies. Plus, why risk getting plants AND a ghillie suit stolen? This is my 2 cents. Hope I helped

Ohhh wait... I was just thinking and fiddling with your idea. In my op area (attached bellow) you could use a ghillie tarp or camouflage netting to cover the op area's ground. No one wants their plants growing inside a cluster fuck of roots so they usually clear up the surrounding area. This would help hide the op AREA from above. No one will find my op area so above spotting is all I need to worry about.


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Active Member
Wally world in the sewing dept usually has several different patterns of camo material. You can also use Krylon paint that has 4 of the common colors found in camo. If one is so inclined hand cut stencils can be fabricated and used with good out come after a bit of experimenting on cardboard or what have you. I have used several different methods predator hunting. I like the idea of making a hempy skirt to cover a naked bucket. Another idea was to make covers for grow bags "realtree" blends very well with certain trees. I have not used these methods for anything but hunting but the general concept is still the same... blend, be Clear. Oh one more thing clear paint is a rip-off it doesn't make nothin' clear.:mrgreen:
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Well-Known Member
i spray painted my objects (watering jugs, fert storage) brown with speckles of black paint.. but only this it is rubs off when it scrapes against something :/


Well-Known Member
yeah you guys all make good points, and alot cheaper you are right, i already had a gihllie suit thas prob why i thought it would work so oh still works great! anyways just thought i would say that i started my lst training last night...already lookin towards sun...when would be the best time to train...night or day? also i decided to use what i think are little pipe cleaning wires w/ the fuzzy colored material to train....any objections?