GHS - BIG BANG grow journal


Well-Known Member
As a test I might try growing one or two of the TNR out. Maybe just start it on 12/12 and see how big they get like that. It's lights out right now so no pics of the little ladies. I did however just find the battery charger for my camera and it just happen to have pics from my first grow. So here you go :) Sorry if they are a bit out of focus. My little digital cant handle foliage pics for some reason. I'm amazed looking at it now that it looks this good. Never fed it any nutes, just sucunat with every watering. This was maybe 6-8 weeks before harvest. She flowered for 96 days total, and when I chopped her down she was still pushing out white hairs. She just never stopped having new growth. Plus she was vegged for a good 2 or 3 months. Topped and thinned out 2 weeks before I induced flowering to lower the chances of mold. At the end all the leaves had died and it was just buds. I picked them if they pulled off with little pressure. The buds were gold, yellow, and tan, with slight hints of purple. Oh and this was all done inside 2, 18 gallon rubbermaid containers with 6, 26w CFL's(all warm white spectrum CFL's). I didn't use daylight CFL's at any point. Final weight was 2-2.5 oz.

P.S. If you were wondering the cat's name is Chiba. :)



Active Member
Kind of puts a new meaning to the word "cola" don't you think?2 liter anybody?
What was the dry weight of that thing anyway(and the rest of the plant)?Sorry,If I missed it.
No worrys, I just tried finding it again and it took me ages! :lol:
Aha! :lol: I just got what you said! :lol:
The cola weighed in at 13.2 grams dry i think, so i'm hoping for a good 20+ grams dry on the other cola.. :mrgreen:
In total, she yielded me 83 grams dry.. so just under the 3oz mark.. :eyesmoke:


This is a winner! hahaha :bigjoint:



Active Member
As a test I might try growing one or two of the TNR out. Maybe just start it on 12/12 and see how big they get like that. It's lights out right now so no pics of the little ladies. I did however just find the battery charger for my camera and it just happen to have pics from my first grow. So here you go :) Sorry if they are a bit out of focus. My little digital cant handle foliage pics for some reason. I'm amazed looking at it now that it looks this good. Never fed it any nutes, just sucunat with every watering. This was maybe 6-8 weeks before harvest. She flowered for 96 days total, and when I chopped her down she was still pushing out white hairs. She just never stopped having new growth. Plus she was vegged for a good 2 or 3 months. Topped and thinned out 2 weeks before I induced flowering to lower the chances of mold. At the end all the leaves had died and it was just buds. I picked them if they pulled off with little pressure. The buds were gold, yellow, and tan, with slight hints of purple. Oh and this was all done inside 2, 18 gallon rubbermaid containers with 6, 26w CFL's(all warm white spectrum CFL's). I didn't use daylight CFL's at any point. Final weight was 2-2.5 oz.

P.S. If you were wondering the cat's name is Chiba. :)
Great pics Jebus! :weed: Good job on your first grow! :eyesmoke:
:lol: Cat Nip! :mrgreen:
Lovely colour on those buds! :weed: and that is one trunk! Sounds like she didn't want to die! True survivor! :lol:
I did a test on a random bagseed, didn't finish it though, i started straight from 12/12 and she grew so slow! :lol: It was sad to watch.. :lol:
she started showing hairs after a week or two I think but because she was kickin it with my two Big Bang, I couldn't get the light anywhere near close enough.. :mrgreen:
I donated her to my bruv, who let her die a few weeks later! :lol:
Try 12/12 from start, if she is a real beast, then that may just do the trick.. :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
I've heard of people growing all there buds from seed starting at 12/12. It cuts down on the wait for harvest but you only get like a quarter-1/2 oz or so per plant. Not bad if you have a big and shallow flower bed. Toss 40 seeds in and 2-3 months later you have 10-20 oz. The bed would only need to be about 4x4 I think?? I think I read about this in a mag somewhere. I think it was recommended for people who produce their own seeds or that can purchase bulk seeds for cheap.

Edit: Now that I think about it I think they said you can get 7 harvests a year doing this with the right genetics.


Well-Known Member
Ok here is my grow box and the little ladies. They are from top left, clockwise: Big Bang, KC x Brazil, KC x Brazil, The Church. I misted them with water about a half hour before. Some is collected on the leaves and in the center of the growth.



Active Member
I've heard of people growing all there buds from seed starting at 12/12. It cuts down on the wait for harvest but you only get like a quarter-1/2 oz or so per plant. Not bad if you have a big and shallow flower bed. Toss 40 seeds in and 2-3 months later you have 10-20 oz. The bed would only need to be about 4x4 I think?? I think I read about this in a mag somewhere. I think it was recommended for people who produce their own seeds or that can purchase bulk seeds for cheap.

Edit: Now that I think about it I think they said you can get 7 harvests a year doing this with the right genetics.

Ok here is my grow box and the little ladies. They are from top left, clockwise: Big Bang, KC x Brazil, KC x Brazil, The Church. I misted them with water about a half hour before. Some is collected on the leaves and in the center of the growth.
I wouldn't do all my grows from 12/12 though, like you said it lowers the yeild a lot! but it's worth a pop if you got the spare seeds and the places to grow them.. :mrgreen:
Your grow box is impressive! :lol: it don't get much ghetto than that! :mrgreen:
Wow, you can already see those KC babies are going to be very purple! :weed:
The big bang looks just like my little one when it were young! :mrgreen:



Active Member
Day 81 since the switch and I have chopped her down! :mrgreen:
When I checked her out today she looked great! :weed: There was something telling me to harvest and I did just that! :lol:
I couldn't believe how much she had ripened up overnight so I left the lights off until 7pm and then choppy chop chop.. :mrgreen:

I have took many a picture, and my hands are still sticky! She has filled my dry box and i've put the rest of the bud hanging in the tent with a fan moving the air about...
The cola was HUGE! Made the 2litre bottle look like a 1litre! It feels heavy as f**k, I handed it to the missus and she nearly dropped it! :neutral: she underestimated the potential of my green thumb! :lol:

Again, same as the last girl, some of the buds amongst the thicker foliage looks like it could be slightly moldy, it just looks very light. These buds are hanging inside my tent away from the dry box.. The suspected moldy buds on the girl who is dry turned out great, and they were with the normal buds too. I'm just going to see how they look when dry I guess..

Loads of bud porn! :mrgreen: Last four pictures are of a nice 2.5g dry Big Bang nugget i've been smoking.. :bongsmilie:



eager apprentice

Well-Known Member
:oYeah baby :weed: - F****ing sweet lord that is some top notch bud porn joe my man, to have grown a plant that huge and good looking in just your second grow (and first with proper genetics) is amazing, if i get even half as good a result as you i will be over the moon.

TOP NOTCH. :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

Oh and one from the missus too.....:clap:

What you planning next joe? and i hope you will continue to look in on my grow mate - your advice has been a huge help.


Well-Known Member
Beautiful job bro. Congrats! Do you have any closeup shots of the possibly moldy buds? Someone might be able to tell you if they are. Those dried buds look amazing. I'm assuming they are from the other girl?


Active Member
:oYeah baby :weed: - F****ing sweet lord that is some top notch bud porn joe my man, to have grown a plant that huge and good looking in just your second grow (and first with proper genetics) is amazing, if i get even half as good a result as you i will be over the moon.

TOP NOTCH. :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

Oh and one from the missus too.....:clap:

What you planning next joe? and i hope you will continue to look in on my grow mate - your advice has been a huge help.
lmao :lol: :lol: :mrgreen:
Thanks EA :joint: and EA's missus :joint:. (at this rate i'll be out of spliffs! :-P)
I'm well chuffed, if my ol' man agreed with the weed then he would be so proud! :lol: but he don't so he can't know... Sssshhh :shock:
yea well happy with this being my second grow, i've found something i'm good at and will actually stay doing it! :mrgreen:
Your BB looks spot on, i'm sure you're gunna be blown away when you come to weigh.. :mrgreen:

I'm going to grow Strawberry Diesel and Kong from Holy Smoke Seeds (hopefully out in march) I should think I will be starting them in april sometime, can't wait! :lol: Going to buy a cooltube for those aswell, get that 400watt a bit closer.. :weed:
I'll still be posting on here until I start the new thread for the two HSS strains, and i'll definatly keep popping on yours too man, well up for seeing your results.. :mrgreen:


Beautiful job bro. Congrats! Do you have any closeup shots of the possibly moldy buds? Someone might be able to tell you if they are. Those dried buds look amazing. I'm assuming they are from the other girl?
Thanks Jebus.. :joint:
I have no close ups as of yet, but i will take some tomorow, they are the ones hanging inside my tent..
They are from my harvested girl yes, they are curing beautifully.. :mrgreen:
Really starting to get the apple taste come through now, soon as the my other lady is dry I can do my smoke report.. No point doing a grow journal and have no smoke report from the cured buds now is there.. :lol:



Well-Known Member
Nice, cant wait to hear about the flavor :) My BB has a touch of purple on it too. I hope the temp getting down to around the high 50's won't be detrimental to them. I don't want to hurt them by trying to keep the temp low when the lights are on. Here are some pics of the KCxBrazil again. A little fuzzy but you can see the color on the undersides of the leaf anyways.



Active Member
The purple color under the leaves is a sign of stress. It's either your temps are too low or you have a nute deficiency. I'm guessing it's the temps.


Well-Known Member
Could be either. I am waiting on my delivery of fox farm nutes. Should be here today. All they have been eating is water and sucunat. I guess I'll just have to turn on the heat at night and then off again in the morning. Kind of a pain though. The switch on the air vent is busted so I taped over it. Good news is the purple on the bigger KCxB is fading so maybe once they get a little size it won't affect them as bad.


Active Member
Could be either. I am waiting on my delivery of fox farm nutes. Should be here today. All they have been eating is water and sucunat. I guess I'll just have to turn on the heat at night and then off again in the morning. Kind of a pain though. The switch on the air vent is busted so I taped over it. Good news is the purple on the bigger KCxB is fading so maybe once they get a little size it won't affect them as bad.
Wish we could just exchange a little heat and cold. I'll give you some of the hot temps from my grow box (I have a heat problem) and you give me some of your cold! hehe

I'm interested in the sucunat by the way!

Joe, add some sucunat on your next grow, that'll be really interesting! :-)


Active Member
Day 81 since the switch and I have chopped her down! :mrgreen:
When I checked her out today she looked great! :weed: There was something telling me to harvest and I did just that! :lol:
I couldn't believe how much she had ripened up overnight so I left the lights off until 7pm and then choppy chop chop.. :mrgreen:

I have took many a picture, and my hands are still sticky! She has filled my dry box and i've put the rest of the bud hanging in the tent with a fan moving the air about...
The cola was HUGE! Made the 2litre bottle look like a 1litre! It feels heavy as f**k, I handed it to the missus and she nearly dropped it! :neutral: she underestimated the potential of my green thumb! :lol:

Again, same as the last girl, some of the buds amongst the thicker foliage looks like it could be slightly moldy, it just looks very light. These buds are hanging inside my tent away from the dry box.. The suspected moldy buds on the girl who is dry turned out great, and they were with the normal buds too. I'm just going to see how they look when dry I guess..

Loads of bud porn! :mrgreen: Last four pictures are of a nice 2.5g dry Big Bang nugget i've been smoking.. :bongsmilie:

This is amazing Joe! Bravo!!! Three cheers for Joe! :clap: :clap: :clap: Go Bigbang!


Well-Known Member
WHEW!! I just got home to check on my babies and they decided to get their stink on. Smells like something is rotting in their. In fact I could smell it just outside the door they are in. I didn't think that would happen so soon. So I'm about to start building my carbon filter. Oh, and I took a trip to the hydro store and picked up a couple yards of mylar to line the box. Figure I can strip all the tape off and that might help some with the temps. Less insulation.


Active Member
Nice, cant wait to hear about the flavor :) My BB has a touch of purple on it too. I hope the temp getting down to around the high 50's won't be detrimental to them. I don't want to hurt them by trying to keep the temp low when the lights are on. Here are some pics of the KCxBrazil again. A little fuzzy but you can see the color on the undersides of the leaf anyways.
Can't wait to see those babies in about four weeks time! :weed:
My temps get to around 10-15C on cold nights, sometimes even as low as 8C on a few occasions and they grew just fine.. :weed: but other strains are less hardy than some and will not tolerate it.. :lol: when the lights are on its usually between 25-30C so I had no problems there, I use my EX/IN Fan and filter to bring in cold air from my window until they start to smell, then switch it to exhaust and have a osc fan blowing on the bulb to keep that cold.. :mrgreen:
On my next grow you will probably notice I will have a new ex/in fan and a cooltube, I want to be able to keep bringing in fresh cool air and not have to switch my fan around once they pong.. :lol: also, with two fans going, one exhaust and one intake, i can close all my vents leaving the tent completely closed to reduce the smell escaping.. :mrgreen:



Active Member
Joe, add some sucunat on your next grow, that'll be really interesting! :-)
I've heard of many a grower who use this but I haven't researched it at all.. :roll:
What is it and how will my plants benefit from it? :mrgreen:


This is amazing Joe! Bravo!!! Three cheers for Joe! :clap: :clap: :clap: Go Bigbang!
Thank you Weedy! :mrgreen:
Hope you will pop and see the new grow when it kicks off.. :joint:


WHEW!! I just got home to check on my babies and they decided to get their stink on. Smells like something is rotting in their. In fact I could smell it just outside the door they are in. I didn't think that would happen so soon. So I'm about to start building my carbon filter. Oh, and I took a trip to the hydro store and picked up a couple yards of mylar to line the box. Figure I can strip all the tape off and that might help some with the temps. Less insulation.
Get ready for it Jebus, Big Bang absolutely reek! :mrgreen:



Active Member
Here is a picture of one of the buds that has been isolated inside the tent away from the others. It is very light coloured, not dense, very airy, still smells like peaches and is covered in trichomes. I don't know whether it could be mold or just where the light hasn't been able to get to it...:neutral:...Some of the buds from the dryed lady were the same when I cut but once they dryed they seemed fine..
Should I just do the same as last time?
There is quite alot of weight there which I really don't want to lose, maybe I should just keep it isolated and wait and see how it looks when its dry..
any advice or experiences with this?


