girl stole all my ... she took it all.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
fuck, i'd be grabbing a shot gun and going a hunting. my kill would be then hung on the wall as a warning to others. it be prison rules all the way on this one.

stupid trend jumpers in this business dont understand the concept of karma or that their has been a code of ethics around long before these grunge babies were buying dime bags in tinfoil at recces, last person to rob me got his eye socket broken and a fucked up house and front door with snitch spray painted on his house

guy got shot at the end of my block last summer for flipping the wrong dude the bird

i just laugh when some dumb kids fucks with the wrong person


Active Member
stupid trend jumpers in this business dont understand the concept of karma or that their has been a code of ethics around long before these grunge babies were buying dime bags in tinfoil at recces, last person to rob me got his eye socket broken and a fucked up house and front door with snitch spray painted on his house

guy got shot at the end of my block last summer for flipping the wrong dude the bird

i just laugh when some dumb kids fucks with the wrong person
whats your beef with me? was just saying i'd be pissed.


Active Member
na worries mannie, just thought you having a dig. my bad. see your point now. there's always consequences for that sort of shit.


Well-Known Member
If she is your ex you know her schedule.. You know where she lives. Be smart.

Get into her place if she is not there...get your stuff back.. If you can't find it take something of equal worth.... Then plant some hard if she wants to feel cool and call the cops, then they will find it...


Active Member
if she has brothers cut their thumbs off and tell her she has 48hrs to get your shit back or your taking his hands lol
i doubt it he isnt that smart
Got me on your mind I see,BWahahaha.
too bad rollie asked me not to beat up on you anymore.

you think i fell for your removing your avatar? You think I fell for your puppet accounts agreeing that you are a douche? Ninja please!!!!!!

I left that thread and never read all the shit you clowns wrote, Unlike you, I don't care what you type on this here interweb, I went out and had a great weekend and never thought twice about this site.
you know you haven't been able to stop thinking about it. Now, tell us all how cool you are.

Tom bodett

I've read your guy's bickering, and scooby, you repost the same shit over and over. He doesn't seem to care. You should look for some new tactics.