Girls, Girls, Girls, ............... Comment thread

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The Queenz of Kronik

Active Member
queenz you sexy as hell,no disrespect to the other ladies in here but i already seen what you workin wit,yeah i'd hit it with furious but yall didnt leave anything for my imagination,queenz is beautiful and her personality shows a sweet side to her,A+ in my book,now with that said,i'd tap that ass like a beer keg at a all white saying that with all due respect

lol, thanks for the compliment. if i were to guess, i'd say you were black- am i right? nothing wrong with that, im very attracted to black men. but for some reason, im a black man's white girl. in the sense that i attract a lot of black men. i've only ever had 2 white guys hit on me, and someone said it was because white guys are more afraid of rejection. idk about that. anyone else have an idea why.
lol, thanks for the compliment. if i were to guess, i'd say you were black- am i right? nothing wrong with that, im very attracted to black men. but for some reason, im a black man's white girl. in the sense that i attract a lot of black men. i've only ever had 2 white guys hit on me, and someone said it was because white guys are more afraid of rejection. idk about that. anyone else have an idea why.
lol .. da fuck?


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3009678]cause they aint got any game like us brotha's haha[/QUOTE]

I will have to greatly disagree!!!!
It's all in the individual's confidense.

The Queenz of Kronik

Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3009678]cause they aint got any game like us brotha's haha[/QUOTE]

lol, true true. a brother will holla at a girl, a white dude will either ask for the time or a cigarette. haha.


Well-Known Member
White guys are NOT afraid to hit on a girl, trust me, I know.

Neither are black guys.

I don't think whether or not they're afraid has anything to do with their ethnicity, really.


Well-Known Member
If I am being honest, I would say white guys don't hit on you as much because black woman intimidate most white people i know.
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