Girls, Girls, Girls, ............... Comment thread

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Well-Known Member
I'm 5'1'' as well Kitty!

I've always been a midget...

It's okay, the only thing that bugs me is that I get carded when I go to clubs/bars.
lol. I'm too young to go to bars....

2 mas anos para mi.

I don't even go to clubs or I weird or something?


I still get carded when I go buy blunts. :lol:

It actually getting annoying having to pull my I.D out to even buy papers! Not to mention that most men dont even approach me because they think I'm 16 yr old jailbait.

Guys still try to get at me....

omg, i remember this one time...I was buying honeybuns (used to be my biggest VICE) and I didn't have enough, so some guy is like "here, I'll pay
for the rest..." and I'm like thanks. So as I'm walking out the store...

he follows me out and asks "hey, how old are you". I freaked out....
and didn't say anything. I couldn't believe this guy was trying to get

at me. He was at LEAST 30. And me...14. I'm like eww...

Not to mention I was putting on rollerblades. Doesn't that signify I'm too
young for him? wth was he thinking. I'd never been so scared in my life.

Do I intimidate you

At first...but now you just make me tingle all over.:eyesmoke:
lol. :-P

the darker the berry the sweeter the juice remember that homie ;)
dude....I've heard that so many on the movie Friday.
what does it mean? I never understood it.

I hate long lab hours :sad:
Tell me about it. And my lab partners are all losers.
2 ugly fat chicks, and 2 weird dudes I think might be gay.



Well-Known Member

dude....I've heard that so many on the movie Friday.
what does it mean? I never understood it.[/QUOTE]

haha come on shawty,

the darker the "berry" the sweeter the "juice" :hump:


Well-Known Member
=( thats not nice

gay guys are fuckin awesome

gay guys are always awesome. I agree.
Any gay guy I knew has always kept me

but what I'm saying is I think they might
be in the closet about it. They touch each other....

in a joking manner...but it makes me wonder. :shock:
And they're ALWAYS together.....hmm???


Active Member
wow,all because of a comment i made,this thread went to the left on a muhfukka,but im back and im high,purple kitty,you speak spanish?


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