giving up on my first grow?


Well-Known Member
i'm contemplating killing my first growwww

it's been pure problems and now that i've grown this... monstrosity which i have spawned because that's really what it is turning out to be... i think i can grow another with LESS problems and a better plant overall =/

you probably have more experience than me, what would you do

my plant stretched a lot
now it has a broken, flimsy stem which is so difficult to deal with, the slightest move sends it toppling over =/
it hasn't been growing much since the stem incident

what would you do =/


Well-Known Member
First put a fan on the stem to strengthen it, if it doesn't recover then do more reasearch, get a proper light, nutrients and medium and try again...


Well-Known Member
i had a fan on it before to strengthen it but all it ended up doing is making it a lot worse

i use a lamp of 20 LED lights on it which had great results so far, and i use miracle gro potting soil

what nutrients should i buy though


New Member
How close are the lights to the plant? If it's is stretching like that it's not getting enough light.

First get your lights right. I grow with CFL's and have them almost touching the plants. Just make sure to sitck you hand between the lights and the plants a few times a day to make sure they aren't getting too much heat.

I prefer potting soil without added nutes. I've read a lot of thread where people used the miracle grow soil and nute burned their plants pretty badly. You plant shouldn't be given any nutes until it is at least 4 weeks old and them use 1/4 strenght, not full.


Active Member
20 led`s?? I am taking my first forray into led`s (I have paid for them, waiting for postie) But... I am using 900 led`s in four one foot frames.
Its gotta be gasping for light, even the windowsill is better than twenty leds. Support it with a stick. Get some plant food.... tomatoe plant food is good if you need a quick boost. Good advice from mr. Ganja, take as much advice as you can find, go look for advice as well, lazy people grow lazy plants.
Sorry, not saying your lazy cos I don`t know you at all, just a quote you unstan.


Well-Known Member
i had a fan on it before to strengthen it but all it ended up doing is making it a lot worse

i use a lamp of 20 LED lights on it which had great results so far, and i use miracle gro potting soil

what nutrients should i buy though
That's why your plant is stretching buddy, you don't have anywhere near the correct amount of light!


Well-Known Member
see i have it lightly tied to a skewer i dont wanna break the stem and i hit it with the oscillator but its still just kickin it's own ass =/
and i have the led light about an inch away from it and it hasn't stretched at all anymore

i think i'm gonna give it a few more days of TLC and then we'll see how it turns out

but if not, i'm gonna kill it and germ some new ones then i'm gonna hit it with CFLs and i got some cheap blue lights from home depot a while ago they r pretty strong... they will suffice for veg i think


New Member
can you post some pics?? how old is your plant??? go buy some inexpensive cfls and put them close to the sides and top of your guess is within a week you will see positive results if you change your lighting....good luck...


Well-Known Member

that was yesterday
it hasn't got much better i'll tell you that much =/

this was the plant yesterday
no yellow just a crappy cam


New Member
you should never have to "stake up" a seedling. If your seedling can't support itself it's most often a lighting problem.

Yes get the CFL's you want 6500K spectrum for vegging. My plants grow nicely under them, and I never use a fan to "stregthen" the stems. I just let them grow and they do just fine. I do use a fan sometimes to blow the excess heat out of my grow cabinet.

repot it and bury the stem under the dirt to those first set of leaves, that should help out.


Well-Known Member
yeah mane in my personal opinion i would start over when u get a better lighting system. you dont gotta go spend thousands of dollars to grow some good herb but you do get what you pay for usually. plus just dont even use leds..the amount of light they put off isnt worth the price of LEDs.
You can pay way less for CFLs and get a WAY better result
(IMO but seriously LEDs arent suitable for growing herb, unless u got like a few grand to get the required lighting)


Active Member
plant in haste, repent at leisure. no need for a fan that early in the grow. prolly not going to save it. I would carry on nurturing it till its dead, but then I can be a bit stubborn like that. Its only a week old so not too much investment wasted. Start another one, get it right next to your led, 24 hour light, get the cfl`s. job done.


Well-Known Member
i dont think i would ever kill a plant. why not grow it out til death or harvest? u still have a lot to learn, better to do it on this stick figure than start over and relive a different disaster with them. practice makes perfect. if u hae the space start a few more seeds as a backup plan, but why not get some practice in on this thing? don't feed it anymore until it gets a few sets of leaves on it


Well-Known Member
p.s. it took me two or three grows to get a harvest, and understand the plant better. i even researched for 2 months prior to starting, i grew for 5 years until og went down. i still do research.


Well-Known Member
haha yeah my stick figure plant is gonna die soon i'm pretty sure
me and my mom were thinking this:
diggin a hole in the yard and burrying it up to under the false leaves nad just leaving it outside n seeing if it grows or not

no waste seennnnnn

and i'm drawing up some plans for a nice little space for one plant to grow.