Glen Beck's a Douche!


Well-Known Member
You forgot one:
The estabishment loves to lead the opposition against itself.
Beck is controled opposition.


Well-Known Member
May as well ad in Dan Rather, Matt Laurer, Ann Curry, Merideth Verria and all the idiots on the network news.


Well-Known Member
For the love of god, where do people get the idea that we can't be a republic (which is just a term for a country without a monarchy) and a democracy at the same time?

Do you have the right to vote? Then it's a democracy.

In terms of the United States a Republic means a representative democracy as opposed to a direct democracy. Thats how it was intended by the founders. We already had this discussion.


Active Member
its all bullshit. Like what ever channel your on they have there own adjenda. Um glen beck is a idiot. Only once did he ramble and it made sence. truely he called obama fake pretty much. and he told his life story and idk if it was accurate but you wouldnt have voted for him if you knew his backround. It was like he hung around really bad people and wierd people. Im too high so google it yourself its totally worth watching. new southpark oct 7th at 10 mang!


Global Moderator
Staff member
I'm afraid he's going to insight one of his crazy listeners/watchers to violence like Scott Roder (guy that murdered Dr. Tiller), or The guy that shot up the holocaust museum, or whoever killed the census worker in Kentucky. His rhetoric is dangerous at best, an insinuation to violence at worst. Since when do conservatives hate America and democracy so much? What did they use to say during the Bush years; "Love it or Leave it!" Maybe it's time to take their own advice.
Unless I missed something I don't believe they have ruled out suicide in the tragic death of the Census worker in Ky.

And I suppose if one would believe the argument that a talk show host might be able to incite listeners to carrying out his desires/wishes, the liberal point of view would have to ignore talk show host and radio personality of Bernie Ward. Oops, guess you heard of him - radical lib, retired priest and sadly, Child Pornographer.

In short, give it a break - I won't try & talk anyone into shooting people & you have yours stay out of the playground.

And no, I don't hate America, I served her for 24 years of my life - low pay, shitty public attitude etc.. Proudly !


Active Member
How can you commit suicide when your hands and feet are duct taped together? Seems to me (and basic forensic science) that someone else would have to tie the rope around the guys neck, thereby ruling out suicide. As far as Child Molesters go (liberal or not) they should be physically castrated (at the least). So don't act like I look the other way because he's liberal. As far as your service goes, I respect that 100%. It is because of the service of people like us that we get to enjoy the 1st Ammendment. I just don't think it covers flat out lies from either side. I believe all journalists should have to pay big fines when they lie, or tell the audience after every commercial break that they are not real journalists and that their shows are for entertainment purposes only to exempt them from this rule. Keep it honest on both sides.


Well-Known Member
you guys are great.. glenn beck would be so happy to know how this thread, of marijuana growers, obsesses over him... amazes me to tell you the truth. if you disagree, you disagree... he must really piss you off to go off and post like crazy lol. not tryin to insult any fellow RIU


New Member
The reason so much traction occurs at FOX with the public is because the policies of the ruling party are so easy to pick apart. The knee jerk reactions like these threads only reinforce that idea to anyone who reads them.

Citizens actually do pay attention when the govt. tries to steal their wallets, and their kids, and their grandkids..... whattya know... :wink:


Well-Known Member
Who was it that said that you know you are over the target when you start taking heavy fire?

People hate Beck because he is absolutely brilliant in his ability to show just how foolish, corrupt and morally bankrupt those on the Left really are. 99 of 100 posters here with Leftist views know nothing of politics and form their opinions based solely on pop culture and social acceptance. They are too ignorant to understand that the Hollywood crowd they follow only espouses fake concern for the poor because they have so much money hidden away it is irrelevant to them if taxes are raised because it won't affect them. Why don't we start a special celebrity tax status at 90% and see if their position changes.

Why don't we ask Michael Moore if he is planning on donating all the proceeds from his new movie (made possible by Capitalism) to charity since he already has tens of millions. In fact why don't we ask him to give everything over 500K per year to charity. Let me know how that works out.


Active Member
freedom of speech.
gotta love it.
"If you dont love it, leave it" was a line from the 1970(long before bush years) hit single Fightin side of me from Merle Haggard
the same guy that remembers when a joint was a bad place to be.

but its bs.
it is possible to love your country and hate your government as our founding fathers have explained.

The Constitution and The Declaration didn't mention the word democracy one time.
This country was set up to be a Constitutional Republic.
democracy is the problem. We should have never strayed.

Bush, Obama, same shit.
CNN Fox same shit
Cheers my friend.

Democracy is nothing but tyranny with a fancy name. America was supposed to be a country that moved beyond democracy, where the rights of the individual took precedent over the whims of the masses.

Legalization of marijuana is a perfect example. The majority of folks in this country still believe marijuana should still be illegal. Should we really continue to allow the masses to dictate which rights I can and can't exercise? If my actions do not injure you or violate your rights you should have no say in them.


Active Member
The reason so much traction occurs at FOX with the public is because the policies of the ruling party are so easy to pick apart. The knee jerk reactions like these threads only reinforce that idea to anyone who reads them.

Citizens actually do pay attention when the govt. tries to steal their wallets, and their kids, and their grandkids..... whattya know... :wink:
Buddy, I hope the conservative little bubble you live in never bursts and you get exposed to the world as it truly works


Active Member
Who was it that said that you know you are over the target when you start taking heavy fire?

People hate Beck because he is absolutely brilliant in his ability to show just how foolish, corrupt and morally bankrupt those on the Left really are. 99 of 100 posters here with Leftist views know nothing of politics and form their opinions based solely on pop culture and social acceptance. They are too ignorant to understand that the Hollywood crowd they follow only espouses fake concern for the poor because they have so much money hidden away it is irrelevant to them if taxes are raised because it won't affect them. Why don't we start a special celebrity tax status at 90% and see if their position changes.

Why don't we ask Michael Moore if he is planning on donating all the proceeds from his new movie (made possible by Capitalism) to charity since he already has tens of millions. In fact why don't we ask him to give everything over 500K per year to charity. Let me know how that works out.
Yes, pulling out a can of Copenhagen Snuff to bash the president for trying to bring $22 billion in economic development by getting the Olympics for America, fucking brilliant argument! Where was Beck's outrage at Bush for going to China to watch the Olympics for 4 days during the heart of the economic meltdown! Dude, I will destroy you in a FACT based argument because if you get your info from Beck, you obviously aren't familiar with that concept, Facts.


New Member

Since we're so interested in Obama's selfless acts with the olympics....

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," September 30, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: The hot button issues facing the Obama administration will be put on hold tomorrow when the president heads to Copenhagen, Denmark, where he will meet with officials from the International Olympic Committee.
Now he's hoping this last-minute trip will help win support for the Chicago Olympics in 2016. But with the Iranian nuclear crisis, the war in Afghanistan, the debate over health care reform raging in Washington, so why is the president so concerned about bringing the Olympics so his hometown?
Well, my next guest has done some excellent reporting that could help explain the president's interest in that matter. And I believe she calls it, quote, "political payback."
And I'm joined now by the author of "Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks and Cronies," Michelle Malkin is back with us.

Michelle, welcome back.
HANNITY: All right, now, he doesn't — well, we've got to put this in context. Not only health care, not only Afghanistan, not only, you know, the economy. He didn't even have time to talk to his general that sent him an August late memo saying that we're going to — we're risking failure in Afghanistan. He didn't have time for that but he has time for this. So I think that's an important point to make as we start this discussion.
MALKIN: I think that is very important, Sean. The context. And it tells you something about the warped priorities of this president and this administration. They are always in perpetual campaign mode. They prefer being on the campaign trail stumping for whatever initiative, stumping for political purposes, and in this case, as you say, political payback.

That's what I call it. I think it's very clear and transparent and obvious that this is all about paying back the Daley machine. Richard M. Daley, the son of the famous boss of Chicago.
HANNITY: Michelle, I want to — can you connect the dots? I've read your article three times just to make sure that I understood it fully and completely. And you connect a lot of dots here and I want to do it step by step so the audience can understand this here. Because, you know, first of all, you know, he's going to Copenhagen. He's doing this.
We know the connection with Daley to the president to Axelrod, to Valerie Jarrett. Why don't you tie it together as you did in your article so people can understand it?
MALKIN: Well, this is all about the president's Chicago cronies. That's what this Olympic push is all about. And it starts with Richard M. Daley, the mayor of Chicago. He's been there since 1989. He would like to see this $5 billion party cap off his long grand tenure.
And it's a great way to white wash all of the city's ills in the Windy City and in Illinois for that matter. This tenure has been marked by graft, pay-for-play scandals, deteriorating public housing, schools that are a mess, and as you've pointed out and I've pointed out, Sean, a teen violence epidemic that is unabated that has not been helped by all these community organizers, et cetera, et cetera.
And so Richard M. Daley has been pushing the 2016 bid for the Summer Olympics. This has been his, quote-unquote, "vision." And he, along with all the cronies that have been installed in the White House, had made this their pet cause.

HANNITY: Michelle, I want to get more specific. There's a very deep connection to Valerie Jarrett. Jarrett once worked for Mayor Daley. Jarrett then hired Michelle Obama before she was married to President Obama. Jarrett went on to serve as the president — you point this out in the article, and CEO of the Habitat Company, a real estate firm with a stake in these, you know, public-private housing project partnerships that existed at the time and more specifically, you know, this one place, Grove Park Plaza Apartments.
Take it from there. Explain how that relationship goes further.
MALKIN: Yes. Let me just explain about how deeply embedded Valerie Jarrett is with the Daley machine and the Obamas. She worked not only as the deputy chief of staff for Richard Daley but also as his legal counsel and as a city planning commissioner for him during his tenure.
She hired Michelle Obama as a mayoral assistant and of course, as we've talked about, Sean, they went on to work together at the University of Chicago Medical Center. And Michelle Obama and Barack Obama have depended and relied on Valerie Jarrett as their fixer, as their money shaker, as their influence peddler, as their consigliore.
HANNITY: For the constraints of time that we have, Jarrett then, after working for the mayor, went on to work as the CEO for this Habitat company, real estate firm with a massive stake in these federally subsidized Chicago housing projects. One of them was the Grove Park Plaza Apartments, correct?
MALKIN: That's right.
HANNITY: Now it was there they were run into the ground on her watch. Pick it up from there.
MALKIN: Yes. And federal inspectors graded this complex at the bottom of the barrel in terms of quality and the Boston Globe did a wonderful and unheralded piece investigation last year talking about the suffering of the tenants there. It was run into the ground under her tenure.
She refuses to talk about it. She hides behind all sorts of — some pose of confidentiality about what happened there. And it is a larger symbol and symptom of how public housing has completely gone to hell there.
HANNITY: Do you know how much money she.
MALKIN: And unfortunately — yes. Well, let me just say that it's...
HANNITY: Go ahead.
MALKIN: It sits in the shadow of where the Olympic stadium would be built. And that's not a coincidence.
HANNITY: All right. So this is my question. Do you know, specifically, how much money she made as a result of being with that real estate firm at that time which had connections to the Daley administration which had these public-private partnerships that she benefited from? These apartment complex goes into the ground.
One of the worst ratings she can have, now may become housing for the Olympics which they are talking about billions of dollars. The White House is claiming she wouldn't benefit financially at all from this. But are you saying her old company would and that they are using her connections? Is that your point?
MALKIN: Yes. And, look, there is no question that property values would rise and all of these developers would benefit from that. That's why they are lobbying so hard to bring it there in the first place. And even if she tells us that she has divested all of her properties, except for one, apparently, which I don't know if it's been named yet, but the lack of transparency and disclosure here and also the self-dealing is what we have to talk about.
This administration said it was going to be the strictest when it came to banning lobbying by its own officials. Yet, they granted a waiver for her. Now she is going to the Federal Housing and Urban Development Department to try and drum up funds for the Olympic village.
HANNITY: All right. So she's close to the Obamas.
MALKIN: That's taxes —
MALKIN: That's taxes that you and I will pay.
HANNITY: She works for Daley. She works for this real estate company. The public-private partnerships is run into the ground. I want to make sure I have the chronology correct here. She serves as the host of the bid — the 2016 bid to get the Olympics there.
This old company that she used to work for may benefit — and this is what I want to get into specifically — financially, because of the decline of these housing units. So they're going to demolish these. They would then make money and we have Robert Gibbs telling us there's a tangible economic benefit for the taxpayer.
Do I have this right?
MALKIN: That's right. And all you have to do is look at how these economic development boondoggles have worked in other cities. They will use eminent domain to clear all of this land, pushed poor people out, and build these sports palaces that will be empty after the Olympics.
HANNITY: And so —
MALKIN: That's how it always works.
HANNITY: So a lobbyist got into the White House. It appears to be somewhat successful. We were promised no lobbyists.
MALKIN: And she is just one of many.
HANNITY: All right. It's a fascinating connection story. We're going to continue to follow your reporting on it, Michelle. Thank you for being with us.
MALKIN: Thanks, Sean.


Well-Known Member
The very fact that Moore did not release this film online, where people can view it for free, shows that he loves capitalism just as much as everyone else. He is an entertainer, just like Beck, driven by money as much, if not more, than he is driven by the desire to uncover "the truth". I haven't seen Capitalism: A Love Story yet, but I can imagine that, while the movie undoubtedly points out the flaws of capitalism, it does not necessarily attempt convey that capitalism in itself is somehow the root of all evil. I think you have to take the information that's presented and make your own conclusions. The problem is not capitalism, necessarily, but the rabid consumerism that we're pretty much all guilty of subscribing to in some way or another.



Well-Known Member
The very fact that Moore did not release this film online, where people can view it for free, shows that he loves capitalism just as much as everyone else. He is an entertainer, just like Beck, driven by money as much, if not more, than he is driven by the desire to uncover "the truth". I haven't seen Capitalism: A Love Story yet, but I can imagine that, while the movie undoubtedly points out the flaws of capitalism, it does not necessarily attempt convey that capitalism in itself is somehow the root of all evil. I think you have to take the information that's presented and make your own conclusions. The problem is not capitalism, necessarily, but the rabid consumerism that we're pretty much all guilty of subscribing to in some way or another.

man, said that perfectly, and i didn't even think about that with micheal moore.. he's bathing in mcdonalds with all the money he is making from a capitalist society, but i dont really think he hates capitalism, just loves socialism.. free mcdonalds for all. that what he wants


Active Member

Since we're so interested in Obama's selfless acts with the olympics....

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," September 30, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: The hot button issues facing the Obama administration will be put on hold tomorrow when the president heads to Copenhagen, Denmark, where he will meet with officials from the International Olympic Committee.
Now he's hoping this last-minute trip will help win support for the Chicago Olympics in 2016. But with the Iranian nuclear crisis, the war in Afghanistan, the debate over health care reform raging in Washington, so why is the president so concerned about bringing the Olympics so his hometown?
Well, my next guest has done some excellent reporting that could help explain the president's interest in that matter. And I believe she calls it, quote, "political payback."
And I'm joined now by the author of "Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks and Cronies," Michelle Malkin is back with us.

Michelle, welcome back.
HANNITY: All right, now, he doesn't — well, we've got to put this in context. Not only health care, not only Afghanistan, not only, you know, the economy. He didn't even have time to talk to his general that sent him an August late memo saying that we're going to — we're risking failure in Afghanistan. He didn't have time for that but he has time for this. So I think that's an important point to make as we start this discussion.
MALKIN: I think that is very important, Sean. The context. And it tells you something about the warped priorities of this president and this administration. They are always in perpetual campaign mode. They prefer being on the campaign trail stumping for whatever initiative, stumping for political purposes, and in this case, as you say, political payback.

That's what I call it. I think it's very clear and transparent and obvious that this is all about paying back the Daley machine. Richard M. Daley, the son of the famous boss of Chicago.
HANNITY: Michelle, I want to — can you connect the dots? I've read your article three times just to make sure that I understood it fully and completely. And you connect a lot of dots here and I want to do it step by step so the audience can understand this here. Because, you know, first of all, you know, he's going to Copenhagen. He's doing this.
We know the connection with Daley to the president to Axelrod, to Valerie Jarrett. Why don't you tie it together as you did in your article so people can understand it?
MALKIN: Well, this is all about the president's Chicago cronies. That's what this Olympic push is all about. And it starts with Richard M. Daley, the mayor of Chicago. He's been there since 1989. He would like to see this $5 billion party cap off his long grand tenure.
And it's a great way to white wash all of the city's ills in the Windy City and in Illinois for that matter. This tenure has been marked by graft, pay-for-play scandals, deteriorating public housing, schools that are a mess, and as you've pointed out and I've pointed out, Sean, a teen violence epidemic that is unabated that has not been helped by all these community organizers, et cetera, et cetera.
And so Richard M. Daley has been pushing the 2016 bid for the Summer Olympics. This has been his, quote-unquote, "vision." And he, along with all the cronies that have been installed in the White House, had made this their pet cause.

HANNITY: Michelle, I want to get more specific. There's a very deep connection to Valerie Jarrett. Jarrett once worked for Mayor Daley. Jarrett then hired Michelle Obama before she was married to President Obama. Jarrett went on to serve as the president — you point this out in the article, and CEO of the Habitat Company, a real estate firm with a stake in these, you know, public-private housing project partnerships that existed at the time and more specifically, you know, this one place, Grove Park Plaza Apartments.
Take it from there. Explain how that relationship goes further.
MALKIN: Yes. Let me just explain about how deeply embedded Valerie Jarrett is with the Daley machine and the Obamas. She worked not only as the deputy chief of staff for Richard Daley but also as his legal counsel and as a city planning commissioner for him during his tenure.
She hired Michelle Obama as a mayoral assistant and of course, as we've talked about, Sean, they went on to work together at the University of Chicago Medical Center. And Michelle Obama and Barack Obama have depended and relied on Valerie Jarrett as their fixer, as their money shaker, as their influence peddler, as their consigliore.
HANNITY: For the constraints of time that we have, Jarrett then, after working for the mayor, went on to work as the CEO for this Habitat company, real estate firm with a massive stake in these federally subsidized Chicago housing projects. One of them was the Grove Park Plaza Apartments, correct?
MALKIN: That's right.
HANNITY: Now it was there they were run into the ground on her watch. Pick it up from there.
MALKIN: Yes. And federal inspectors graded this complex at the bottom of the barrel in terms of quality and the Boston Globe did a wonderful and unheralded piece investigation last year talking about the suffering of the tenants there. It was run into the ground under her tenure.
She refuses to talk about it. She hides behind all sorts of — some pose of confidentiality about what happened there. And it is a larger symbol and symptom of how public housing has completely gone to hell there.
HANNITY: Do you know how much money she.
MALKIN: And unfortunately — yes. Well, let me just say that it's...
HANNITY: Go ahead.
MALKIN: It sits in the shadow of where the Olympic stadium would be built. And that's not a coincidence.
HANNITY: All right. So this is my question. Do you know, specifically, how much money she made as a result of being with that real estate firm at that time which had connections to the Daley administration which had these public-private partnerships that she benefited from? These apartment complex goes into the ground.
One of the worst ratings she can have, now may become housing for the Olympics which they are talking about billions of dollars. The White House is claiming she wouldn't benefit financially at all from this. But are you saying her old company would and that they are using her connections? Is that your point?
MALKIN: Yes. And, look, there is no question that property values would rise and all of these developers would benefit from that. That's why they are lobbying so hard to bring it there in the first place. And even if she tells us that she has divested all of her properties, except for one, apparently, which I don't know if it's been named yet, but the lack of transparency and disclosure here and also the self-dealing is what we have to talk about.
This administration said it was going to be the strictest when it came to banning lobbying by its own officials. Yet, they granted a waiver for her. Now she is going to the Federal Housing and Urban Development Department to try and drum up funds for the Olympic village.
HANNITY: All right. So she's close to the Obamas.
MALKIN: That's taxes —
MALKIN: That's taxes that you and I will pay.
HANNITY: She works for Daley. She works for this real estate company. The public-private partnerships is run into the ground. I want to make sure I have the chronology correct here. She serves as the host of the bid — the 2016 bid to get the Olympics there.
This old company that she used to work for may benefit — and this is what I want to get into specifically — financially, because of the decline of these housing units. So they're going to demolish these. They would then make money and we have Robert Gibbs telling us there's a tangible economic benefit for the taxpayer.
Do I have this right?
MALKIN: That's right. And all you have to do is look at how these economic development boondoggles have worked in other cities. They will use eminent domain to clear all of this land, pushed poor people out, and build these sports palaces that will be empty after the Olympics.
HANNITY: And so —
MALKIN: That's how it always works.
HANNITY: So a lobbyist got into the White House. It appears to be somewhat successful. We were promised no lobbyists.
MALKIN: And she is just one of many.
HANNITY: All right. It's a fascinating connection story. We're going to continue to follow your reporting on it, Michelle. Thank you for being with us.
MALKIN: Thanks, Sean.
Not the two I would use to support my argument. They lie as much as Beck. Not once in there did they talk about the jobs and economic boom that the olympics would bring, it is just a hatchet job on Valerie Jarret and Mayor Daley. The whole argument is pure speculation at best! There is limited facts (and that is generous) and this is the argument you are bringing at me? I was expecting more and better, frankly. The estimate is $22 billion in revenue, and the estimates are always low. If you want to talk shady, sweet heart deals lets talk about Halliburton and KBR who despite electricuting at least 16 of our soldiers in Iraq, through shoddy wiring, continued to get billions in contracts from the Bush White House. Do you guys hate the current government so much you are rooting against America? Why would you not want the Olympics to come here? You realize that Air Force 1 is the MOST advanced office on the planet and the president can do anything he can do in D.C. on it? Right, you guys realize that? At least he isn't in Crawford fucking Texas clearing brush for the first 1/3 of his term! Try harder next time guys


Active Member
man, said that perfectly, and i didn't even think about that with micheal moore.. he's bathing in mcdonalds with all the money he is making from a capitalist society, but i dont really think he hates capitalism, just loves socialism.. free mcdonalds for all. that what he wants
What exactly do you think socialism is? I hear it thrown around very loosely by you guys, but I'm not sure you know what it really means. Here is the dictionary definition

Socialism - a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.

By the definition, the only true socialist societies are hippie communes and stuff like that where there are no leaders and everyone shares everything. That is socialism.

Now let me ask, do you think this is right

Table 1: Distribution of net worth and financial wealth in the United States, 1983-2007 Total Net Worth Top 1 percentNext 19 percentBottom 80 percent 198333.8%47.5%18.7% 198937.4%46.2%16.5% 199237.2%46.6%16.2% 199538.5%45.4%16.1% 199838.1%45.3%16.6% 200133.4%51.0%15.6% 200434.3%50.3%15.3% 200734.6%50.5%15.0% Financial Wealth Top 1 percentNext 19 percentBottom 80 percent 198342.9%48.4%8.7% 198946.9%46.5%6.6% 199245.6%46.7%7.7% 199547.2%45.9%7.0% 199847.3%43.6%9.1% 200139.7%51.5%8.7% 200442.2%50.3%7.5% 200742.7%50.3%7.0%
The bottom 80% of Americans only control 7% of the nations wealth while the top 1% controls 42.7%. This is what happens when the capitalism goes unchecked and unregulated. I am going to go out on a limb a guess pretty much everyone on here is in the lower 80%. How are we not outraged by this?