Glenn Beck Calls for Legalization

Well-Known Member
While he is a conservative, as am I.

He is also a libertarian... as am I.

We libertarians don't like government and don't think it should rule our lives.

Hence legalize drugs... but in a proper responsible way.

He may be crazy, but I like watching him.



Well-Known Member
I never used to listen to Rush, Hannity, or Beck...but as a libertarian, this administration is making these guys sound like geniuses. In reality, if you're not a whacko-left liberal, a welfare recipient, a union member or haven't recently received a head injury, everything these conservative guys are pointing out should be painfully obvious.

But hey, if it's the will of the people I guess we can voluntarily morph ourselves into just another failed socialist state to be added to a VERY large pile of said states. BRING OUT YOUR DEAD...<clang>... BRING OUT YOUR DEAD... I don't want to go on the cart.


Well-Known Member
thats impressive that even Glen beck at least realizes that being able to consume whatever drugs we feel like is a personal freedom that is taken away from us. But thats it, thats all he thinks of it, and has zero knowledge of the cannabis and just lumps it in with everything else thats illegal.

that guy on there (don't know his name) had to have been the worst candidate for an anti-prohibition debate. probably hand picked for that very reason. Thers about a million other politicians, celebrities that could've been a lot more alert and aggressive towards the points GB was trying to make, namely about denying health care to anyone who smokes a joint, sounds like something that is already in the books to me. But (that guy) didn't even address that, and looked halfbaked too.

I personaly think Joe Rogan would be awesome on GB, Bill O'reily or Rush LimBoughe, not because hes the most educated of pot smokers, But simply because he'll raise his voice the most and over talk filibuster out these right wingers, which seems like the only type of language they understand

also forgive my political ignorance, but what is the difference between a libertarian and a liberal:confused:


Well-Known Member
I have not heard him in a few days. Is this something new that he started to talk about? He is an evil conservative, so how can he be talking about legalization?
I am an 'evil' Conservative.

I've been advocating re-legalization for years now.

The two are not mutually exclusive.


Well-Known Member
so its 7 months old big deal! it caught my attention, I felt obligated to post. I ussualy never post on any forums anywhere i was overdue


Well-Known Member
so its 7 months old big deal! it caught my attention, I felt obligated to post. I ussualy never post on any forums anywhere i was overdue
So touchy! :roll:

GB made the comments months ago. I was pointing it out - nothing more.

Please note I posted a comment, in response to another post, as well.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
thats impressive that even Glen beck at least realizes that being able to consume whatever drugs we feel like is a personal freedom that is taken away from us. But thats it, thats all he thinks of it, and has zero knowledge of the cannabis and just lumps it in with everything else thats illegal.

that guy on there (don't know his name) had to have been the worst candidate for an anti-prohibition debate. probably hand picked for that very reason. Thers about a million other politicians, celebrities that could've been a lot more alert and aggressive towards the points GB was trying to make, namely about denying health care to anyone who smokes a joint, sounds like something that is already in the books to me. But (that guy) didn't even address that, and looked halfbaked too.

I personaly think Joe Rogan would be awesome on GB, Bill O'reily or Rush LimBoughe, not because hes the most educated of pot smokers, But simply because he'll raise his voice the most and over talk filibuster out these right wingers, which seems like the only type of language they understand

also forgive my political ignorance, but what is the difference between a libertarian and a liberal:confused:

A liberal will use the force of gvernment to MAKE people participate in programs that THEY believe are correct.

A libertartian believes you own your body, your property and your labor.
They believe in live and let live and very small government (if any) intervention in your life.

In my opinion liberals are self deluded
and often do not acknowledge their hypocrisy and switch to emotional arguments to rationalize their positions.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
While he is a conservative, as am I.

He is also a libertarian... as am I.

We libertarians don't like government and don't think it should rule our lives.

Hence legalize drugs... but in a proper responsible way.

He may be crazy, but I like watching him.

In my humble opinion...
Glen Beck is NOT a Libertarian, he's almost there but I believe he's still thinking an interventionist foreign policy
is acceptable. He, like many people, is jumping on the Libertarian band wagon but he's not completely down with NAP (non aggression principle) . He's getting there though.


Well-Known Member
Yep non-aggression principle is a hard hurdle for people to make.
But maybe he will start hanging out with John Stossel and Judge Napolitono and he may figure it out.
I give him until next election to figure it out.
Otherwise he is a statist Douche.

BTW the Non-Aggression principle is:
Not initiating violence (you can still uses violence but you have to get the other guy to hit you first, LOL)
But that means you can't force people to pay taxes.
Or force them to take a flu shot.
Rejecting totaly the initiation of Force.
Would mean changing everything you ever thought you knew about te way government acts.
Its hard to get your head around.
But its the only principled position to take IMO.