Glycerin Tincture Reduction


New Member
I plan on producing a glycerin tincture within the next week or so, but i cannot for the life of me find a way to reduce a glycerin tincture? I prefer a very concentrated dose, so this is an important factor to me. I know an alchohol tincture can be reduced very easily, still i prefer the taste of a glycerin base. Thanks for the help !


Well-Known Member
Ethanol has a boiling point around 174 .. vg is like 550 and pg is like 370...
Thc boils at around 315....numbers off the top of my head but should be close enough

You can reduce an ethanol tincture because its the lighter constituent.. now I won't advocate vg.....
But if you had a pg mix and tried to reduce it you would lose the thc at a higher rate than pg ..


New Member
Im a heavy smoker, im planning on using a half ounce of great quality bud, and reducing the tincture down to 2-3 oz of fluid . Could i assume that 3-4 drops would give me a solid buzz?