Gnats!!! What should I do? HELP! + rep


Active Member
I am about 3 months into my first grow. Over the last week I have noticed I have a few gnats flying around my flowering plants. Are these damn things detrimental to my plant's? Should I take action to eliminate them now or are they no big deal? Take a look at my grow journal and check out my set up look towards the bottom of the journal and check out the pics of my room I have lot's of air circulation and they don't seem to be able to land on my plant's but they are bothering me that they are there..Where did they come from and why are the here??? HELP


Active Member
Thanks for the advice and the link.. I tried to give you a + rep but it said I have to spread some to others before I can give you any.. But I will try again.. PEACE


Well-Known Member
If larve eat roots I believe you can mix neem concentrate with your water solution and it will be absorbed all throughout the plants, and if it works on gnats they should absorb it from the roots and stop feeding..then die...


New Member
Also at the beginning of the grow since your using a flood table you could have taken white poly and laid it over the table and cut X's where the plants would grow out. This would prevent anything from touching your growing medium and prevent any chance of algae forming.


Take a jar, pour some apple cider vinegar in it, replace and poke some holes in the top (big enough for them to get in) place next to your plant and watch em drown!