Gnostic Christian Mystery School Secret Truth #1.

Greatest I am

Active Member
Gnostic Christian Mystery School Secret Truth #1.

All that can and is said of all Gods is speculative by nature as none of it is provable. To state that God exists cannot be a true statement unless one has a God to show. This is irrefutable as it can be shown that all Gods are based on ancient myths and stories. They are always to remain mysterious.

All religions are based on myths, legends and hope in an afterlife that unfortunately turned to literal belief, --- and this one issue created the war against free thought that led to the purge of many cults that did not want to read literally and to the Inquisition and the Dark Ages. It ended the Mystery Schools.

Literalists cannot help but be wrong unless they rely on blind faith and that faith of fools has pushed Christians and Muslims to kill many due to this blind faith mind set. Christians will kill again, --- just like Islam is doing today thanks to literal reading, --- given the chance.

Cristian literalist won against free thinking religions thanks to Constantine’s support --- but they cannot win today thanks to an intelligent population who are not superstitious nor as gullible as in past times and do not believe in fantasy, miracles and magic.

Is literal reading of any scripture or holy book mentally good, or mentally evil?

Has literal reading done the damage I alluded to or has it been a good influence for mankind?


This thinking is the Gnostic Christian’s goal.
This method and mind set is how you become I am and brethren to Jesus.


Well-Known Member
OK u got a brain and debate should be fun ...........i am very stoned and very fucked up so

1 reading is good for it causes thought passed ones life time ..........with out reading histories would be local and oral so the best u get is the myths and folk tales ( with out knowing your history u are doomed to repeat it)
2 reading is good because of the info sharing the ability to solve a problem from a different veiw point u would of never seen as it was u ........... took a man 80 years before u were born and whole other culture
3 read is only a tool how it is used is what tells u if good or bad ................what the nazi did in death camps was recorded because of this Frostbite/hyper therma was understood ...............give the number of deaths to the number of lives saved/prolonged was it worth it that should really be the ? does the ends justify the means

as for crazy god ppl ............this will never change some ppl will always do this use something to cause ppl to kill others because of something ........lord of the flies (it is why the book/movie is ranked high )

Greatest I am

Active Member
OK u got a brain and debate should be fun ...........i am very stoned and very fucked up so

1 reading is good for it causes thought passed ones life time ..........with out reading histories would be local and oral so the best u get is the myths and folk tales ( with out knowing your history u are doomed to repeat it)
2 reading is good because of the info sharing the ability to solve a problem from a different veiw point u would of never seen as it was u ........... took a man 80 years before u were born and whole other culture
3 read is only a tool how it is used is what tells u if good or bad ................what the nazi did in death camps was recorded because of this Frostbite/hyper therma was understood ...............give the number of deaths to the number of lives saved/prolonged was it worth it that should really be the ? does the ends justify the means

as for crazy god ppl ............this will never change some ppl will always do this use something to cause ppl to kill others because of something ........lord of the flies (it is why the book/movie is ranked high )
Thanks for this.



God is easy2 see. God is everywhere and in everything. God IS. What you are referring 2 is religious texts that all have their own idea of God. Literal reading is not the best avenue2 take because these allegorical stories in religious books are4 learning lessons as opposed2 being concrete truth in black and white. The killings and mistreatment of people is morally wrong and for people2 blame God for their bad decision making is nonsense.


Well-Known Member
Everything infront of you is just that. God works through you, but you wouldn't be able to realize that without giving it the necessary thought.


Well-Known Member
Everything infront of you is just that. God works through you, but you wouldn't be able to realize that without giving it the necessary thought.
depends on who the person is i understand it angels work in thoughts.......... demons work in whispers

given this if a random thought crosses your mind for some strange odd reason and u listen to odds are u doing the work the homeless guy u see and get in car something yells go back give him 20 bucks then go on with your day ..........that action has altered or put something new in play by the action reshaping the plans

u have to look at it as god is playing a giant chess game we are all pawns our actions have unseen results which effect others in ways we can not see .but until that action is done it only a possible future and even after it done something can alter the results ...........god has to be playing against another force ....then u throw in the fact of freewill (jonha and the whale is proof.......god said go here do that he said nope i going this way so he did it took the storm and other ppl to tho him to the fish then 3 days later puked out where needed to be and did what was told)

it just comes down to a understand of the unknown factors little chaos theory with M theory

Greatest I am

Active Member
God is easy2 see. God is everywhere and in everything. God IS. What you are referring 2 is religious texts that all have their own idea of God. Literal reading is not the best avenue2 take because these allegorical stories in religious books are4 learning lessons as opposed2 being concrete truth in black and white. The killings and mistreatment of people is morally wrong and for people2 blame God for their bad decision making is nonsense.
An intelligent reply. Hard to come by sometimes.

I make up a jingle to express my view a while back.

If you cannot see God everywhere, you will never find him anywhere.

Seems we are on the same path my friend. I am a Gnostic Christian but imagine that you have not taken a label. There is no need to but it helps sometimes when fighting the evils within other religions.


Greatest I am

Active Member
reading is good .......i thought u were on the side reading was bad because ppl do crazy ass shit in the name of god
Reading is good. Literal reading of myths is evil.

For the evils of religion to grow, read any scripture literally.

Any and all harmless beliefs are allowed by Gnostic Christians. We know that any myth can be internalized for good results and as esoteric ecumenists, we enjoy knowledge of all the myths that man has created about Gods.

When there is a victim is when that view changes. Then you see why Christianity annihilated Gnostic Christianity. We do not let the evils of forced literalism go unopposed. To a tyrant like Constantine, we were poison. One of his first commands to his new Church was to kill off the free thinkers and of course, his new tool, his Church, did as bid. It was quite a ride for free thought for the next 1,000 years.

For the evils of religion to grow.

How can a Gnostic Christian, --- and any other free thinking moral person, --- not judge other's morals when seeing someone hurt other because of the same Church's teachings today?

Can you ignore such things if you have decent morals? Impossible. Especially with Islam pulling the same murderous, freedom stifling ****.

We must discriminate and judge constantly. Every law is a compulsion on all of us to judge.

It is my view that all right wing literalists and fundamentals hurt all of us who are moral religionists, --- as well as those who do not believe. Literalists hurt their parent religions --- and everyone else, be he a believer or not. Literalists and the right wing of religions make us all into laughing stocks. Their God of talking animals, genocidal floods and retribution has got to go. So must beliefs in fantasy, miracles and magic. These are all evil.

They also do much harm to their own fellow adherents.

African witches and Jesus
Jesus Camp 1of 3
Death to Gays.

For evil to grow my friend, all good people need do is nothing. Fight literalism when you can. It is your duty to our fellow man.
