Going about a medical license. *questions*


Active Member
Hey everybody, i was wondering how i could go about getting a medical marijauana card without my dad knowing, please note i am already of legal age to get the card, although im on my dads heath insurance. The cause for me getting this card is because i have Multiple Exostosis which is a bone disorder in which i suffer from chronic pains. Weed does indeed help me with my pain while im high, so i want to grow it and smoke it, have no intention of selling or whatever, but anyways...back to my question....

How would i go about getting a medical card without my dad knowing?

Reason i dont want to tell him is just simply because, even though he has the same disorder as me, he doesnt understand that this actually does help me.

By the way im in Southern California.

And one more question: does having a medical license effect your record? Will it keep me from getting a job? will it show up on his health insurance?

Thanks, J


Uses the Rollitup profile
Just go to a clinic that has a compassionate doctor and talk to him and get your recommendation. ACC has 4 locations, 866-420-7215

Then don't tell your Dad, or your insurance company. The only people that will know are the ones that you tell.

HTH :mrgreen:

Der Panzer

Well-Known Member
i think my regular doctor would have signed a recommendation, but i specifically went to another doctor for the simple fact i don't want it in my 'normal' medical charts.

Sadly, the insurance companies haven't holistically accepted medical marijuana, and i don't want to risk having my health insurance denied or have my life insurance policy cancelled because of it. sad but true.

if you're a legal adult - your medical records are confidential for you and you only. make an appointment with a doctor listed on the norml website - as long as you have your medical records showing your condition you will have no problems getting a recommendation.