Going into flower

J Botwin

I have about 6 plants headed into flowering should I leave them outside to naturally flower or should wat....


Well-Known Member
N0. 1 is out doors in the ground ..


only reason to grow inside .. is if you dont have the location/safety/climat ..

outdoors in the ground it is easy to grow ½ pounders .. +1 pound is commen if the strain is good and you give it the right TLC ..

but you need to consider stuff like tempetures .. light hours and when you expect night frost if any ?
and security .. can you keep it safe .. and also location .. need atlest 5 hours of direct sun a day to do good .. +8 is better ..

remember to prepare the holes with fresh soil and remove any grow in a 2" radius .. if you want to hide it a littel .. tie it down (use green string of course) make it look diffrent from a weed plant ..

J Botwin

I have about 8 plants n buckets n there about 3-4 feet tall... What can I do to increase the size of buds when they come? And how do I exactly tied it down


Active Member
You can use stakes or bamboo sticks along with twine or twist ties to tie them down. Just shove the stick in the ground and gently bend the branches towards it and tie the branch to it. You want to try and bring the tops to the same level as the other nodes on the branch or lower so they grow up more. If you check out my grow you can see how I did a bit of it indoors.