going to do some lucy for the first time...


Well-Known Member
Listen to music good band on lsd is The Beatles :P
Watch some cartoons and notice how really fucked up some kid shows are lol
Enjoy the presents of nature (Better if you do it during the day imo)

Smoke a bit of ganja it always helped heighten my trip.
enjoy her! Also remember to drink water occasionally and keep track of time. For me time slows way down, Hours turn into minutes.


Well-Known Member
Why in Bobby's World would you want to keep track of time. The reason for LSD-25 is for total time annihilation. Once lucy is activated your mind will think of a hundred things to do simultaneously, just let it be ;)


Well-Known Member
Classical music is wonderful while dancing with Lucy. The channel nick Jr is sure to tamper any anxious tripping. (it does for me at least) Disney's Fantasia is also a must see while tripping. I like to draw if I'm at home.. usually while naked.. I'm not sure why. I just seem to find myself from time to time in the nude, tripping my tits off, with a sketch pad and some colored pencils.


Well-Known Member
Why in Bobby's World would you want to keep track of time. The reason for LSD-25 is for total time annihilation. Once lucy is activated your mind will think of a hundred things to do simultaneously, just let it be ;)
At the start of my trips I always keep a mental note of time. Its for personal gain until i reach my peak and fly away. Once I'm in a cloud of colors I love to lose myself in deep inner peace with every little thing.
Feeling the sunshine on your skin while laying in the cool green grass was the most amazing moment in my life :) I need to get back to that!


Active Member
Listen to music good band on lsd is The Beatles :P
Watch some cartoons and notice how really fucked up some kid shows are lol
Enjoy the presents of nature (Better if you do it during the day imo)

Smoke a bit of ganja it always helped heighten my trip.
enjoy her! Also remember to drink water occasionally and keep track of time. For me time slows way down, Hours turn into minutes.
hahahaahaha soo true kid's shows are really messed up.. alot of things go over their innocent little heads.

Rodart Cockburn

New Member
Now bear in mind Im not the most experienced with it, I have only done it a few times, mind you some 2010 hoffmans were in my stockpile, and some WOWWF but thats another issue for another day. But I have always found its best to start a trip meditating as well as you can. Some people cop out saying my mind is racing I say "Fuck you, thats the point!", so find understanding within the flow. Sometimes the lucy starts violently in which case I encase my senses with music, nothing with words though plus a visualizer(itunes classic works great), or some comedy, like george or Bill to get me really thinking. I find the comedy will make it introspective, the music will make it sensory and sheer sublimity. I have seen the comedy so much I know exactly what the shot is; or I stare at the fractal making madness either in my mind or the computer.

Once into the trip, I either turn on some music(again no words) and meditate after the comedy, or I venture outside or else watch a movie or speak to someone or some more music and meditate. I find acid doesn't want the body to be doing to much, sure its a little jarring to just sit there, so find form and be still. I admit having stimulus that guide thought trains is fun: stories and art can be much better understood, creative energy is at an all time high, and body language and tone can be much better deciphered, but I have found deep thought to be much more provocative and, well, thought inducing. It certainly does feel like insanity, but through it I have found deep solace as well as solved numerous interpersonal relationships, as well as built the courage and resolve to end some. It can work wonders if you treat it right, and in certain cases a single experience can change you and be with you for the rest of your life.


Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
cOCKburn please elaborate on vocabulary used.
Please define terms.

Meditate what is meditating ... how do you do it ?
mind is racing what is this state of mind ?
lucy starts violently symptoms at what dosages ?

encase my senses with music, nothing with words though plus a visualizer(itunes classic works great), or some comedy, like george or Bill to get me really thinking. I find the comedy will make it introspective, the music will make it sensory and sheer sublimity. I have seen the comedy so much I know exactly what the shot is; or I stare at the fractal making madness either in my mind or the computer.
These are your personal tastes correct ?

Instead of asking what to do .... let me tell you what not to do.
Stay away from sharp objects.



Well-Known Member
get you some fruit cups, the kind with fruit in fruit juice, freeze till nearly soft but still soft enought to eat. enjoy. or just get some nice fresh fruit and make it really cold. but not frozen lol.


Tin foil. I don't know why it's so amazing to play with tripping, but my god. Slinkies are also a fun time :). But when i'm peaking, music is most definitely a necessity. Like someone said earlier, The Beatles is nice to listen to.


Well-Known Member
Tin foil. I don't know why it's so amazing to play with tripping, but my god. Slinkies are also a fun time :). But when i'm peaking, music is most definitely a necessity. Like someone said earlier, The Beatles is nice to listen to.
foil sounds like a good idea haha. wish i had a slinky =/

i have a magnifying glass though. wish my friends would hurry up and get here...

Rodart Cockburn

New Member
Ok, I will appeal to your obligatory response.

Meditate: I find form, like knees on the ground with my body aligned to my center of gravity, not moving. Instead of slowing my mind I readily accept what it has to show, and through this I find easement into accepting that mind cannot be blank( the backbone for the behavioral model of psychology). Its hard to explain but I find the practice of not thinking, or clearing the mind, merely a device to say what I just said, is just to find solemn understanding of what it is we are, and what it is we can know.

Mind racing: This is just a cop out, everyones mind is always racing, a reason why so many use drugs; in order to dissociate from the compulsory thought processes we have learned. Alcohol is used so often because it does just this, however one(me) does find alcohol does increase the speed and cohesion of my thoughts. Its like when you get drunk enough to be tripping and falling down, this is because the mind has fallen away from the stimulus; you recognize your falling but can't react to the correct stimuli.

Lucy's abusive side: This is usually just set and setting dependent I find. I haven't used it all that much, and only on blotter at varying dosages so its an unknown to me. The highest I have gone is 600mcg(estimated at 4/150mcg blotters), and I found this experience to be completely benign psychologically and in fact quite exhilarating. I did one trip at 200mcg and started it after staying up all night, no drugs prior, and while I was watching NETWORK. It began with a distrust for society, probably brought on by NETWORK. I began to understand about many aspects of human interaction and found that social understanding of the whole directly affected my interpersonal understandings. This trip was extremely introspective, but it began with dis-ease. That is all I meant from 'violently', just that it can elicit very disturbing or uneasy effects by creating an environment where nothing aligns correctly, but as my beliefs are confirmed or falsified I find it very quickly mellows out.

Obviously "bad trips" are just regular occurrences, but trying to guide one to understand that the good is within the bad, the good doesn't exist without the bad, will allow the subject to retain the deepening effects of the substance. Rather than getting scared and hiding behind their beliefs.

Yes they are ideals from my personal contact with the substance.

There are a never ending list of things not to do, as well each person will find their own ways to pull as much as they can from the experience if they choose to do it, but because so many are stuck admiring the simple visuals and sensory essence they get stuck caring about the mundane aspects because it is very hard to concentrate on large concepts but that loss of cohesion can really create new ways of thinking about the more answerless questions.


Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Ok, I will appeal to your obligatory response.

Meditate: I find form, like knees on the ground with my body aligned to my center of gravity, not moving. Instead of slowing my mind I readily accept what it has to show, and through this I find easement into accepting that mind cannot be blank( the backbone for the behavioral model of psychology). Its hard to explain but I find the practice of not thinking, or clearing the mind, merely a device to say what I just said, is just to find solemn understanding of what it is we are, and what it is we can know.

Mind racing: This is just a cop out, everyones mind is always racing, a reason why so many use drugs; in order to dissociate from the compulsory thought processes we have learned. Alcohol is used so often because it does just this, however one(me) does find alcohol does increase the speed and cohesion of my thoughts. Its like when you get drunk enough to be tripping and falling down, this is because the mind has fallen away from the stimulus; you recognize your falling but can't react to the correct stimuli.

Lucy's abusive side: This is usually just set and setting dependent I find. I haven't used it all that much, and only on blotter at varying dosages so its an unknown to me. The highest I have gone is 600mcg(estimated at 4/150mcg blotters), and I found this experience to be completely benign psychologically and in fact quite exhilarating. I did one trip at 200mcg and started it after staying up all night, no drugs prior, and while I was watching NETWORK. It began with a distrust for society, probably brought on by NETWORK. I began to understand about many aspects of human interaction and found that social understanding of the whole directly affected my interpersonal understandings. This trip was extremely introspective, but it began with dis-ease. That is all I meant from 'violently', just that it can elicit very disturbing or uneasy effects by creating an environment where nothing aligns correctly, but as my beliefs are confirmed or falsified I find it very quickly mellows out.

Obviously "bad trips" are just regular occurrences, but trying to guide one to understand that the good is within the bad, the good doesn't exist without the bad, will allow the subject to retain the deepening effects of the substance. Rather than getting scared and hiding behind their beliefs.

Yes they are ideals from my personal contact with the substance.

There are a never ending list of things not to do, as well each person will find their own ways to pull as much as they can from the experience if they choose to do it, but because so many are stuck admiring the simple visuals and sensory essence they get stuck caring about the mundane aspects because it is very hard to concentrate on large concepts but that loss of cohesion can really create new ways of thinking about the more answerless questions.

Sir thank you for elaborating for the new readers ... with this entry the person at hand knows exactly what you are talking about.
Further ... other questions might be asked ... filling in the details.
Well done, and thank you.



kush fario

Well-Known Member
cartoons are the shit everything else looks way to fake or just flyes right over your head lolol and think black because you will never get those colors away and the best thing while on sid is LAUGHING!!!! have a good time i need to get my hands on some its been rare latly or 20 bucks a hit hahah what ever hapend to 5?