golden brown. spreading through plant.


New Member
This is my first grow. I have a 2x2x5 grow tent. Plant to right grown in MG.Plant to left was a plant grown in MG but transplanted into jiffy natural and organic mix. Using fox farm nutes half the recommended dosage. Two fans one blowing from the top down at an angle the other blowing through the tops of plant and lights. My exhauste system consists of a carbon filter with an exhaust fan. Output is located at top of grow tent. Humidity stays around 50 to 45 degrees. Temperature stays around 76 nighttime. Daytime 88. Lights are around 2 to 3 inches away from plants. Lst training and topping. Plant to right is 6 weeks old. Plant to left is 5 weeks old. Cut majority of bad fan leaves off. Left a couple to see progress



Well-Known Member
Hmmmm not sure myself... maybe a nitrogen imbalance or a nute lock out... COULD be over/under watering.... more experienced minds are headed this way right now... so let's see huh? :)


New Member
I water them with PH water ph is 6.5. Every other watering I give nutes half dose. So cut back on nutes and use plain ph water


Well-Known Member
Nute burn and toxicity... MG has time released nutrient pellets that activate with moisture. So in essence every time you also feed. Add FF nutes to the mix and ZAP!...if this were my grow I would can the FF nutes for this grow. I use them myself and love 'em. But not with MG. Again, if this were my grow. I would cut the watering and let them get good and dry between waterings. Some may tell you to flush...IMHO flushing in MG is herbicide. But again just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Uhhhh...time released water activated nutrients. Water...nutrient release...flushing with water...releases mass amounts of nutes...very ill and quite possibly dead plants.


New Member
So cut nutes and water every other watering Allowing it to dry out all the way before the next water. But don't flush them. I'll start that and see if I can see a difference


Well-Known Member
ah I missed/forgot that bit... yup... haha Fox Farm... like um 20 miles away from me? :-P I don't get why not either have a soil with little, no nutes, then adding them as you go if you're into it... with all these chemicals and whatever people lie to use... OR create good soil with everything it needs, and oly any anything that the plant is asking for?

This sort of best of both worlds thing seems to create the worst of all worlds situations a lot.

I grow in soil... AND espite Fox Fam being riht there... I bought another, cheaper soil... mixed a bit of rainbow mix grow (against, cheapest I found real quick)... and it's been pretty great. Added rainbow mix bloom (yet again, on the cheap) for bloom, I was an ass an added a little extra nitro at one point here... and got burned... only now into 5 weeks of flower am I seeing the signs of something lacking... No, I'm not growing trees, but they are growing well, and have great buds so far... so if that works well for me, it shouldn't take so damned much to get to great