Goldfish in DWC


Active Member
I like the idea of having a few lil fishies thriving in my res BUT
I wouldn't want to risk having any ph battles, eaten roots or rotting carcasses in my res. I like to think of my dwc as a fine tuned machine. whatever my system can benefit from these lil fish ( i was thinking a pleco sucker. pH 5-7 apparently) i could probably create in a more controlled way with nutes.
also, aquaponics is SICK! i love the idea. If you really read into it though, you need a mature system for your plants to THRIVE. I assume aquaponics is a MUCH more organic system than most of our buckets. plus, our plants full life is about a quarter of the time it takes to mature an aquaponics system.
i wanna make my plants bigger and better EVERYDAY too. GROW MUTHAFUCKAS! GROW!!
but im not sure fish is the answer right now.

what happened to the fish in the buckets? the goldfish ...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, dead fish rotting in nute solution that killed them. That'll work.

For those of you wondering what aquaponics really is, it's much more than simply growing your plants in an aquarium with fish in it. I think most of us with hydro experience know that simply dangling your roots in your nephew's guppy tank isn't gonna make your plants grow.

"Plants are grown as in hydroponics systems, with their roots immersed in the nutrient-rich effluent water. This enables them to filter out the ammonia that is toxic to the aquatic animals, or its metabolites. After the water has passed through the hydroponic subsystem, it is cleaned and oxygenated, and can return to the aquaculture vessels. This cycle is continuous."

There is a special flow cycle conducted through special filtering systems that make the symbiosis possible. Again, all of you who have experience with hydro, what do you think rotting fish would do to the delicate balance of your res? I don't need to see him do it. I know what's gonna happen. A big smelly mess with dead plants (and fish).


Well-Known Member
ever seen a goldfish play with a small football?


that being said, only way you could do this, would be by using aquarium fertilizers, they add everything fishpoop lacks, but even if you did this, the fish need light, would die soon.
and fertilizers are probably cheaper than good fishfood (feed them crap and the plants get crap)

and when the fish die and they will (slowly and horribly, oh i know you dont care :) (oh its a empty fake smile)

the rotting carcasses will bring bacteria and shit.

the smell alone will be Great! :)

yeah, when i think about this, you should really do it ;)


Well-Known Member
Shawnfromjersey: Okay, they've all had their say. How about an up date on your grow? I'm curious because of an article I read last year about a restaurant on a desert island in the Caribbean that grows all their 'greens' in the circulated effluence from huge fish tanks filled with what looked like Tilapia. They feed the fish, the fish water is circulated from huge tanks that look like on top of the ground swimming pools and that feeds the plants. They raise all their own herbs and culinary spices. It was really quite an operation. They serve tourists dinners comprising of: fish, salads and vegetables grown in their aquaponics set up. Have you seen it? HSA


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
Shawnfromjersey: Okay, they've all had their say. How about an up date on your grow? I'm curious because of an article I read last year about a restaurant on a desert island in the Caribbean that grows all their 'greens' in the circulated effluence from huge fish tanks filled with what looked like Tilapia. They feed the fish, the fish water is circulated from huge tanks that look like on top of the ground swimming pools and that feeds the plants. They raise all their own herbs and culinary spices. It was really quite an operation. They serve tourists dinners comprising of: fish, salads and vegetables grown in their aquaponics set up. Have you seen it? HSA
This guy's last post was 8/2010. Looks like he isn't coming back.


Active Member
i was hoping to get my learn on :(

what if i just throw a talapia from my freezer in the res?

it'll cool the res, add organic nutes AND a flagrant rank that can mask the plants odor saving me a carbon can in the process.