Good game...


Well-Known Member
Sup guys... I made the biggest mistake a noob can make... I forgot to attach the air pump lines... for a whole 8 days.

I had things goin great.. the plant on the left had a beautiful purple aura... man.. I'm just so sad now. They just look... so depressing now. I'm just.. left speechless. Please take a look at the pictures...
So do you guys think they're both done for? What should I do at this point..?
The left shorter plant is 7 weeks in flower and mainly indica, Purple Lavender clone.
The right taller is 9 weeks in flower and mainly sativa I think, DNA Sour Cream seed.
The nug is from the DNA Sour Cream. I'm trying it right now.. the leaves are extra dry and crispy.. fml.
-Update: atleast the nug got me kinda lit..


Well-Known Member
Yeah.. I definitely attached the air immediately.. but the damage is really bad.
The buds on the short purple plant look really nice... like frosty purple nugs.. but maybe a little small. Didn't try a nug yet.. just been really sad looking at it all day..
The buds on the tall sour cream... oh man I don't even know what to do with them. The hairs poking out like that are just... depressing to look at it. The high from some sampled nugs is pretty weak.

I'm gonna go ahead and just swap em both out with fresh water... do you guys suggest maybe 2 weeks in plain water? Or just about 1...?
I don't think I will even have to dry these right... lol.