Good Ideas you had while puffing herb


Well-Known Member
I have had some cool ideas while puffed up, anyone else?

1) I have discovered why the sky is blue (features
Why is the sky blue? : graphs and pictures
google "light principles" (6th/39700)

2) I have invented the most efficient civillian aircraft in history
Animations of the Pixiwing
google "flight principles" (3rd/4700)

3) See my blueprints for an invisibility machine
The Invisibility Machine : Blueprints

For the record, it was African herb (Swazi & Transkei), pure organics and sunlight, no chemical additives.



Well-Known Member
Am I the only one who has been puffing the REAL thing?
Nkosi sikilele iAfrika
Someone must have had a good idea out there somewhere!


Well-Known Member
I had a good one recently about how to fit my ex wife into the kitchen garbage disposal:)


New Member
We need some good ideas for the newsletter. Get all baked up shoot them out. Also they are doing a banner conters making banners and graphics for the site. There are prizes!


Well-Known Member
a ounce should never be more then 100 bucks no matter what. the money is nice but its for the love of the plant man.



Well-Known Member
If you could fire a laser into a one way mirrored cube,(that obviously only reflected on the inside),circle,rectangle etc. that was totally sealed and the internal edges were concaved the light would never be able to escape and we could have a permanent light source that never ran out.
We could see in and it would glow but would be unable to escape.:blsmoke:


New Member
If you could fire a laser into a one way mirrored cube,(that obviously only reflected on the inside),circle,rectangle etc. that was totally sealed and the internal edges were concaved the light would never be able to escape and we could have a permanent light source that never ran out.
We could see in and it would glow but would be unable to escape.:blsmoke:
WOW deep man!!!


Well-Known Member
lol, i thought of using the earths magnetism to try and get a craft to levetate. if you hold two magnets at the same pole we all know ther reppel each other. if you control the direction in which they reppel you could use them to levetate and fly so to speak. the earth has its own magnetic field so we could try and manipulate a stronger variable magnet to repel off it in the desired direction, by variable magnet i mean one in which you could change the strength of pull. this would mean no fuel, better climate


Well-Known Member
Props to Natmoon that is some Einstein stuff.. :hump: The other day after smoking a jay and listening to my Ipod I had an idea for a charger/ armband thing.. You know they already have armband that you can put your Ipod in for when you are running, jogging etc.. But your Ipod battery can still die on you then you either have to charge it in your car or at your house.. But I'm sure everyone has seen those flashlights that you shake to make them work, the ones with NO batteries needed.. Why cant they put that same electricity principle into an Ipod armband charger.. That way while your wearing it, listening to your favorite tunes, it will always be charging while your exercising.. I haven't thought out all the kinks, but it's a start.


Well-Known Member
Props to Natmoon that is some Einstein stuff.. :hump: The other day after smoking a jay and listening to my Ipod I had an idea for a charger/ armband thing.. You know they already have armband that you can put your Ipod in for when you are running, jogging etc.. But your Ipod battery can still die on you then you either have to charge it in your car or at your house.. But I'm sure everyone has seen those flashlights that you shake to make them work, the ones with NO batteries needed.. Why cant they put that same electricity principle into an Ipod armband charger.. That way while your wearing it, listening to your favorite tunes, it will always be charging while your exercising.. I haven't thought out all the kinks, but it's a start.
Kinetic energy probably wouldn't be enough to charge an ipod properly unless you had 2 leg and 2 arm straps.
The cost of making the ipod kinetically chargeable would be more than the cost of buying batteries.
The shakeable flashlights are run by leds that draw minimal power.
Ipods eat batteries.
The government already has mini cells that last forever but they wont give them to you as they are radioactive and very expensive.
I also am not sure if you can charge batteries whilst they are in use.
Thanks for the props though,sorry to negate your idea:peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
When I said $100 for a months supply I was talking about 5 ounces, not one. Thats 10 cigarette size spliffs a day without any tobacco mix.

o and the Earth's magnetic field is very very weak, but anti-gravity is something we still need to figure out...


Well-Known Member
The sporf: Its a combination spoon, fork and knife.
It looks like a spoon with prongs for a fork, and on the bottom it has like a knife edge.


Well-Known Member
Natmoon... You're Idea is Clever, yet flawed... Light WILL diffuse at some point. If you can see the light inside the cube, it's because the light is reaching your eyes. Eventually, if not near immediately, the light will diffuse and escape.

If you can see it, the light is escaping. You understand?


Well-Known Member
Natmoon... You're Idea is Clever, yet flawed... Light WILL diffuse at some point. If you can see the light inside the cube, it's because the light is reaching your eyes. Eventually, if not near immediately, the light will diffuse and escape.

If you can see it, the light is escaping. You understand?