Good News, Question about the next step!


Active Member

Out of the 4 plants I started (first grow) I got 1 Male and 3 Females. I want to know how much I can maybe cut the male plant down. I am thinking I can just leave a few nodes with sandwich bags on them to collect some pollen. I want to be able to pollinate certain buds on the females.

Any thoughts on reducing the male in size so its pollen is easily controlled? I will get some pics up soon. The male is about 3ft and the females are 2.5 ft.

I got a homemade setup created out of 2 econo-lights.


Well-Known Member
I just remove my males and put them in a room next to a window. Gives it enough light to stay alive but won't get any bigger.

I do the same thing: Collect pollen in a Zip Lock and stick one of my female buds inside (closing tightly around stem) and shake the bud inside the bag. Usually I get close to 100 seeds off of the one bud.