got some acid


Well-Known Member
I'll be 40 in a few years and have been pricing out light and sound equipment....... and I can't say my intent is much different, I've just been practicing for 20 or so years.


Active Member
yeah some people like fog machine and black lights so who fuckin cares bro that not acting like a teen ager its what i like so stuff it


Well-Known Member
well this shit is awsome idk wtf is going on but im watching these trippy family guys episodes
I hate those things, there are some good acid cartoons but i dont like the family guy ones they always seem to have these lows that bring everyone in the room down. Why would i want that!? Loads of racism etc. I dunno, maybe i just dont get it. But it gives me bad vibes so i stay away


Well-Known Member
You act and talk like a teenager. Black lights and a fog machine.. :roll:
And I hope he stays that way. Of course, I hope his communication skills increase, but that is a matter of syncing up with the community that he is typically interacting with. He writes on the web as if he's texting his friends in a rush, tough to read, so yes, fine, castigate a BIT if you must.

But fog machine and black lights? That's the START. Go get a couple of green lasers and a bunch of little handheld mirrors and a bunch of large clips to be able to place the mirror anywhere. Put the laser down, have it hit a mirror, aim that to another mirror, and wrap the laser around the room, and between sets of mirrors.

I'm almost 50, and see no reason to have less fun simply because some old fuck (or someone who thinks he is "mature) thinks it is a bit juvenile.

Tripping is to see/feel "different". Black light is a great start to disassociate yourself with the "norm" as you try to relax. Those glowing colors are attractive to relax and gaze into, add a poster like "Building a Rainbow" and you can fall into it with the music and have a hell of a time.

Also, it gives you a BIG contrast between the glowing stuff and the background in your environment. The external colors are often the start of the internal visuals, which then envelope your field of vision. The the dark spots in a room under black light leave a good area for your tripping mind to fill in.

Rare D MI

New Member
Good LSD is better with less outside stimulation. I've been to 100+ concerts/festivals/raves on varying doses. Maybe 1 or 2 times during the shows I had jaw dropping quintessential acid visuals. It's after the shows when the lights and music is gone, sitting in the hotel with dim lights, that's when the visuals grip you.

I stand by blacklights and fog machines being for children. If you're looking to experience LSD visuals, less is more in terms of stimuli.


Active Member
its was my first time doin acid bro no need to lecture and i had a fuckin blast so ill take your advice into consideration sorry im not 50 and experianced with acid like that


Well-Known Member
Both have their own merits.
Also the psychedelic experience is unique, just like us. It is worth exploring them in different environments to find out what we like. As long as safety is kept in mind there is no wrong way to trip.


Active Member
well put plus it was my first time takin acid i didnt know wtf to expect i know what my roomate told him but its not the same for everyone i swear i had an outa body experiance though and south park on acid lmao was funny call of duty was insane to then a storm blow in and i walked outside on my deck it ws dark and rainind hard as fuck all the colors and patterns and shit i saw mind blowing is was mind opening to i loved it cant wait till my dude gets some more ill be doing it again it was a good 11 hour trip

Rare D MI

New Member
I will agree on one point, south park is hilarious to watch high on acid.

And I'm not that much older than you. You're just a late bloomer. I ate L for the first time when I was 16.


Well-Known Member
Good LSD is better with less outside stimulation. I've been to 100+ concerts/festivals/raves on varying doses. Maybe 1 or 2 times during the shows I had jaw dropping quintessential acid visuals. It's after the shows when the lights and music is gone, sitting in the hotel with dim lights, that's when the visuals grip you.

I stand by blacklights and fog machines being for children. If you're looking to experience LSD visuals, less is more in terms of stimuli.

Yes, in fact as I understand it, black lights and fog virtualy guarantee a bad trip, add glowsticks to that and you have a recipie for a chilling, screaming, fearsome ego distroying excursion into hell. the OP was lucky to get out of his experience with his sanity intact.


Well-Known Member
Yes, in fact as I understand it, black lights and fog virtualy guarantee a bad trip, add glowsticks to that and you have a recipie for a chilling, screaming, fearsome ego distroying excursion into hell. the OP was lucky to get out of his experience with his sanity intact.
hehe hehe he


Active Member
I will agree on one point, south park is hilarious to watch high on acid.

And I'm not that much older than you. You're just a late bloomer. I ate L for the first time when I was 16.
So why crash his party with downtalking? If he wanted to go lazer/fog/whatever then thats all good, everybody's experience is different.

I'm more inclined to grabbing a few friends and going off on missions/journies, preferably after it gets dark out. Usually with a few blunts and beers in tow :bigjoint:

Instead of telling him he's juvenile, try passing along some of the information you've gained. At one point someone did the samething for you.


Active Member
yeah it was awsome either way ill try the other methods you old timers were telling me about next time i like the laser and mirror idea anyone heard of them droppin acid on gummy bears my boy said his home girl has some gummy bears with acid on them two hits a bear but ive never heard about it anyone else?


Well-Known Member
You can drop liquid on most anything. I don't like buying it that way unless I've seen it dropped on myself. Otherwise I don't buy that two drops a bear thing.