GotBeat5.0s Official Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
dude i just updated a minute ago the grow is still going lol :smoke1: pull up a chair and keep watching

and thanks for stopping by woot

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
my bad- Just learning the site, thought the join date was the post date- too high to read right... lol- Well GOOD THING cuz I am in suspense, hoping for the best for you- I am a little behind, and a little less blessed with equip but doing what I can! Cant Wait to Compare to yours- Props on keeping up, I am pulling up my chair and getting the lighter out right meow,

Thnx for the quick reply-


Well-Known Member
my bad- Just learning the site, thought the join date was the post date- too high to read right... lol- Well GOOD THING cuz I am in suspense, hoping for the best for you- I am a little behind, and a little less blessed with equip but doing what I can! Cant Wait to Compare to yours- Props on keeping up, I am pulling up my chair and getting the lighter out right meow,

Thnx for the quick reply-
ah hahah yea thats cool man

dont worry im in suspense tooo haha

Ive got everything in my grow room through just bargain shopping through eBay I think in total i spent 600 bucks


Well-Known Member
Quick Update

I finally got in the right bulbs if you look below i took a quick pic comparing the MH HPS Conversion bulb to the reg ol HPS bulb

So heres the final room setup (yep finally haha) Put in the humidifier and the CO2 Boost is now running the room feels great now big difference with that humidifier



Well-Known Member
Alrightie Update time.
So Yesterday (5/21) I went ahead and gave the kids another dose of nuts.
B52 - 1 1/2 teaspoon
Sensizym - 2 teaspoons
Voodoo Juice - 1/2 teaspoon
Piranha - 1/4 teaspoon
Tarantula - 1/4 teaspoon
The plants seem to be loving this stuff as you'll see with that and the now with the Co2 Boost Bucket going they are just starting to grow man. The pics were taken today (5/22) so enjoy

Sweet Dreams




Well-Known Member
Alrighty its that time of the week for that thing we call Update.
Had a crazy weekend with not only partying but with these damn plants let me tell ya.


watered with actual feeding nuts. with AN Micro and Grow
so with the water PH at 6.5
Micro - 1/2 teaspoon
Grow - 1/2 teaspoon


Well this is where i SHOULD have followed my general rule of go with half but nope now im paying for it cause majority of the bagseed loved that dose but the Afghan and Sweet Dreams nope. got some pretty bad burning and to make it worse that same day my room was at 96* so I lost 4 plants due to extreme heat....welll maybe 3 cause I just looked today and one of them is starting to perk up a little but we'll see (btw they were all bagseed so not that bad)

So with the temps reaching upwards towards 90*+ Ive had to add some extra fans for exhaust purposes and/or just leaving my grow room door open pretty much all day.

Due to heat the plants dried up a bit so I went ahead and watered all with Ph 6.5 tap water extra water for those with Nut problems.

So some final thoughts and maybe suggestions but what do you guys think i should do to make the plants go green again....Lower nut intake? Foliar spray?

This weekend im gonna be buying a ton of fans since a AC in that room is not practical but lord knows I wish I could. Room sits currently at 88* with 41% humidity

Id like some suggestions for sure. Now on with the pics

Full Room Shot

Row 1 of Plants

Row 2 of Plants

Row 3 of Plants



Sweet Dreams


Bagseed and Sweet Dreams (middle group of plants)


OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
looks great, I think once you get the temp down to below 85 the greens will come with it- 88 is a bit excessive for heat. But otherwise looks great- off to a good start at what will become an enormous operation for ya- like 30+ plants to maintain- but so far so good. What are your plans for topping and SOGing?


Well-Known Member
Well my plans at the moment is to keep the bagseed in a SOG (prolly gonna flip the switch for those in like a week.

The Afghan and Sweet Dreams I havent decided yet I might just let them grow as they were intended but pretty sure ill top

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
sounds good, bagseed in the SOG makes sense, and i am glad you arent SOGing the Strains, I like the idea of letting them run their course, besides the big yeilds from those would be really nice compared to just one cola from each. Keep it posted. Do you have separate rooms to switch the lighting with?


Well-Known Member
sounds good, bagseed in the SOG makes sense, and i am glad you arent SOGing the Strains, I like the idea of letting them run their course, besides the big yeilds from those would be really nice compared to just one cola from each. Keep it posted. Do you have separate rooms to switch the lighting with?
Im prolly gonna have to cut the room in half for a few weeks but that will be once I figure how im gonna postion the fans in the room cause im pretty sure im gona be buying like 6 of them lol sick of this damn high 80s low 90s BS.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
yeah temps like that are stunting your growth, splitting the room will take an innovative solution, especially with all the air your going to have to be blowing around on both sides of the split- but I am sure you will come up with a good solution- but do show us- because I may end up having to do something similar at somepoint- and it would be good to know what splits a room well


Well-Known Member
Well I already have a cutted up piece of Pandafilm that I already have to split the room (from previous grow due to I had tomatoes and Jalepeno plants)

More then likely i would be making 2 exhaust holes with small fans pushing out the air for each room to make the dual room work.

Like I said Ill see first thing first is heat problem - always did my growing during the winter months - should have stuck to that cause heat was never an issue....damn me and wanting some good buds hah


Well-Known Member
Well after doing some talking with some fellow growers looks like I was right on on diagnosing my issue. Which is a potasisum def. I did a minor flushing yesterday and Ill do one more flushing and seeing as the bagseed loved that strong of a dose ill back it up a bit so for the next feed the Afghan and Sweet Dreams will start off at 1/4 dose while the bagseed will be 1/2 dose.

Feels good when you can dignose your issues let me tel ya cause I sucked balls doing that before.

Researching FTW


Well-Known Member
Alright its that time my friends its update time.

When we last left off I had a heat issue was able to find some small fans and used them to exhaust the air and that made a world of a difference as the temps in the last week have been around 80-83*

I also had a little overnuting problem. Flushed the plants out twice during the week with tap water Phed at 6.5 Made alot of the plants come back from the yellow/paling back to a nice green.

Then yesterday I went ahead and gave the following dosage to the plants

B52 - 2 teaspoons (10 ml)
Sensizym - 2 teaspoons (10 ml)
Voodoo Juice - 1/2 teaspoon (2.5 ml) (wont use again till another 3 weeks)
Piranha - 1/4 teaspoon (0.6 grams)
Tarantula - 1/4 teaspoo (0.6 grams)

Room Temp is at 83* and Room Humidity 35%

Well on with the pics.....ton of them

BTW any name that starts with an S is Sweet Dreams and any name that starts with an A is Afghan and all others are bagseed

The original 4 that died due to extreme heat but as you see here Wendy (bagseed) whats to live and I wont deny that



Well-Known Member
Prolly gonna give it another week before transplant, we'll see though

Age of plants range from 19-22 days old (day 1 starts when I seen it sprout from soil)

Got a few more weeks before I decide to switch it to 12/12