Gotta problem...... i think..... help me


Well-Known Member
Hey guys i gotta question. There is a srtong odor of ammonia coming from my closet, i cant seem to figure out where its coming from. Itz worrying my because i dont know if an odor like that is good for the plant ya know? What can i do to get rid of this odor, And will it harm the plant?


Well-Known Member
Oh and i got a fan blowing in there for now to try and blow some fresh air in there.... could i try febreeze or no? I think i gotta do something, because i dont see how that would be good for it.


Well-Known Member
First get all those nasty old pair of sox and sneakers out then u should be good...jk I hope ur feet dont smell like amonia


Well-Known Member
hahaha no my closet is perfectly clean, it smells like ammonia. I brought my male cat marvin in my room last night. and i left him alone for like 20 mins so i think he might have sprayed or something. Do you think the odor will hurt the plant???


Well-Known Member
i dunno mann, itz just annoying. Im either gunna clean the closet carpet real good, or start killing my cats haha. im just kidding i luvv my kitties almost as much as i luvv my weed. But i do have to kill my weed every now and again. sooooooo.............


Well-Known Member
Cat urine won't harm your plants unless they pissed in the pots, in which case your pH may have been fucked.

although cat urine is a great source of nitrogen.


Well-Known Member
I left the door shut so there is no way he could have pissed in the closet, but the odor is still getting in there. Pretty strongly too.


Well-Known Member
i know, hes usually pretty good about shit like that. But like any male i think he wants laid. so i aint gonna be bringing him in my room anymore. atleast not if hes gonna be pissin near my shit.