Grafting and revegging to keep plant count legal?


Active Member
I was pondering an idea and I am interested in your thoughts and opinions.

Background: In Colorado, an MMJ patient can grow 6 plants with only 3 in flowering. So, I want those 6 plants to be BIG yielders

Question: Would it make any sense to continually graft and revegg 6 plants in order to keep a legal plant count of 6?

I think that grafting can turn 2 plants into 1 bigger plant producing 2 similar strains at once. The grafted plant would benefit from an already healthy root system. Legally it should still be considered 1 plant, right?

Is it feasible to create big MMJ frankenstein-like monster plants?

Revegging ought to keep that plant alive for another round of harvesting later.

Do you think that the yields would suffer?
In other words, would 2 plants grafted together yield as much as 2 plants growing seperately? probably not, but would it still be worth doing?

Also, do you think that revegging would waste more time than it is worth?

Anyone ever try this?


Active Member
That would be more trouble then it is worth. Plants going from flower to veg is a pain, then you want to graft, that will take a few weeks to take and heal, so just find a place that has clones, or turn one of yours into a mother, and clone that.


Well-Known Member
look up Dr. vandankenstien... he knows how to do it.. sound like a good idea but could be more hassels then its worth... u could stress it and turn it herm... what bout topping and suppercropping them??? u can yeild quite a bit like that... plus it fills in the empty gaps in ur room and uses ur lights full potential... heres some pics, the room shot is 7plants all topped and suppercropped like the 1 u see in the pics as well as 12 experimental sog clones that u see in the corner

