Grandaddy From Seeds... First real grow

Musical Suicide

New Member

Hey! This is My girls and I's first real attempt at growing. Got's my card. I had some old grandaddy seeds from, a plant I grew a few years before. We just found the seeds and had some jiffy cups laying around so we put them to use. We started off with just a shitty grow lux light, now we are using a (i'm not exactly sure what it is, looks like a t-5 but with only 4 bulbs) florescent light. Were using the roots organic grow, and diamond nectar. I have a 400w Hps ready for when I switch the plants to flowering in a week or so. The plants are 6 weeks old on tuesday, may 4th. I also have flora nova bloom to use as well. Any tips would be greatly appriciated. Here's some pics of the plant up to date.


Musical Suicide

New Member
Ok So its day 38 from seed. Plants seem to be doing fine. Temp 70-75. One of the plants started out really weird. It had Different leaves on it than any plant I have ever seen. But It picked up and now looks fine, just a little smaller than the rest. I topped them yesterday. I think I fucked them up, all but a couple, I dont know. I have never topped plants before. I tryed to take pictures, but my camera wont come in focous enough to show anything. Oh well... we'll see. I also moved them from my florescent lighting, to my 400hps, keeping thme on the same lighting schedual, 20 on 4 off. Maybe for a week or so, I'm not sure. They will be 6 weeks old on tuesday. Anyways, here's some pic's! Any comments or questions would be greatly appriciated. I'm also putting a picture of my nutrient line up, tell me what you think about them. I'm still kinda confused on the nutrient part of growing... what is the micro nutrient for and is it ok i'm not using it? Anywasy, thanks!



Well-Known Member
nice lookin plants how long are yu gonna veg them for. hps lights for me during veg only streches the plant slightly. i would keep your flourescent lights on thm till flower. but hey thats just me. lookin real good bro

Musical Suicide

New Member
Hello, so I didn't top my plants right the first time, so I had to go down a node and fix them. Shit. haha At least now I know. But I have been noticing some roughing up around the edges. I'm wondering if that's from having them too close and touching? But for the most part they look healthy! They have taking to like the hps I switched them to. I think maybe next time I might just use the florescent for the first 4 weeks, then switch it to the hps, keeping the same light schedual till 6 weeksish. Anyone think thats a bad idea? anyways, some of my plants have 11 leaves... is that normal? I think i've only seen 9 leaves... haha or maybe I'm just high. But here's a picture of a perfect 10 leaves... I have definitly never seen this... the 10th is growing right out the middle!! haha

(A) + (E)


Musical Suicide

New Member
well.... Its day 46. The plants are doing great. I fixed the tops, so those are growing in nice. I also just purchased a 1000w hps and got that bad boy on them as well. Tomarrow I'm going to switch to 12/12. There not showing the sex yet, but hopefully soon. Its hard to take pictures with my camera phone in the room, the lights put these weird lines in the picture, but here's a few. So i'm going to start using my floranova bloom, and continue the diamond nectar nutes. Any suggestions on what else I should use? And what do you think about trimming leaves you dont need. Does that help? Anyways, thanks!



Well-Known Member
mighty fine, mighty fine. excellent work man. And thanks for all the photos. I'll be following. cheers! and walk on!

Musical Suicide

New Member
So tomorrow will be 7 weeks! The plants just got off the 36 hour of darkness, and are on there 2nd night of 12/12. I have been keeping a close eye out for sex. I'm pretty sure they're female, there is defiantly no clusters or pollen sacks. But They don't have hairs yet either.... the anticipation is brutal... haha anyways, here's some pic's. Enjoy!


Musical Suicide

New Member
I think they are all female.... No sacks... looks like the start of hairs... but only time will tell. I'm a newbie so I dont have the most experienced eye... haha thanks for the reply!
damn youre lucky. im so worried that my babies are gonna turn out male, especially because they were all bag seeds and i dont know anything about the plants they came from. no doubt thanks for all yours man. by the way, those plants look fucking well.

Musical Suicide

New Member
Well... I got's some good news, and some bad news... Let's start with the bad.

So I made some pretty rookie mistakes, but at least I caught them and can learn from them. Also, to get good seeds or more likely clones. Ok.... So I think 3, half my plants are male. haha thats not good... But its still early and they cant pollenate my others for a while. So I'm going to give it a day or two, just to make sure. Also, I'm going too put the others back to veg for 2 weeks after I weed out the clones. After reading alot latley, I realized I probley put them into flowering too early cause no preflowers were showing.(*Realized after the 36hours of darkness and 2 nights 12/12 of course..haha) Also Someone told me that the plants wont be sexually matured until the branchs stop being so symetrical. So add another 2 weeks till harvest!!

Ok good news

3 less plants means more space, more light and no more anticipation about wondering if all my plants are going to be male... haha. 2 Plants have some nice looking hairs froming already, 99% sure their female! always that 1% chance. Also now that I get to throw them back in veg means they will get bigger too, so thats good. I also got a 30x microscope, which is pretty rad. I also get to get paid and buy more nutes to complete the recipe! I have found that some people are defencive about what nutes they use, like its grandma's cookie recipe, but I tell you what, once I find out some good one's, I'm going to write a book, stating all the trials, and what the finshed product looked liked all the way from baby to smoke! haha one day. Anyways, I got some white rhino feminzed seeds on the way, and hopefully pick up some clones soon. well thanks for reading! Wish I had some pics for you, I'll take some after I give the males das boot... Later!

Musical Suicide

New Member
well I killed one of the males today... it got its first cluster... and I'm pretty sure the other two are male, but I'm waiting 1 day or two just to make sure. But I got 3 females!! yay! haha 1/2 females is kinda shitty, but what can you do? So I'm getting to construction on my new veg room. Gonna clip some clones tomoarrow, and got one clone form a friend, also the new seeds should be here soon!

Musical Suicide

New Member
Well today I killed the other two males. I also took 3 clones off of one of my plants. I'm going to see how they do, then maybe take a few more off another in a few days. I'm not sure, but I think because of my stressful enviroment, (high temps) and being that the seeds came from a hermie plant, I think there gonna be hermie... haha I see lots of hairs, but A few iffy spots... makes me wonder. Anyways, We'll see in time. I also Got my seeds in the mail from nirvana seeds, Fast delivery, very discrete, and I'm very happy with them. I can vouch for them. Anyways, we'll see how they turn out! Some white rhino!! anyways, got some pic's on the way!

Musical Suicide

New Member
Shit I forgot to put descriptions on the pictures... haha ok


1: Laying a male to peace
2: Nice roots on my plants
3: Another male
4: Close up on male preflowers, although my camera has no detail
5: Three clones off my females and another mystery hybrid from a friend
6: The Surviving 3 Ladies
7: White Rhino Seeds from Nirvana Seeds

Musical Suicide

New Member
Here's some new pics of the 3 ladies.... Hardly any seeds left... and the few that look like seeds have hairs comming out of them... kinda weird... anyways, I'm going to see how they turn out. The pistols are getting really long, and the bud is starting to stick up the place already... I cant wait!


Musical Suicide

New Member
So is anyone checking this out? haha So I'm using floranova bloom, diamond nectar, and some molasses for my flowering now. I'm going to buy some super thrive and kool bloom when I get paid on Friday. Anyone think I should get something else? I was also thinking some botic. sweet?? Any suggestions to make the bud taste better or become more condensed?? Besides co2 cause my room is way to dangerous to have gas in it... haha. I Sprayed my plants with some soda water today... anyone use this method?? My friend says its gonna cause mold, but I figured one little mist wouldnt hurt. Anyways, any thoughts or criicism is welcomed!