Grandaddy Purp ! ! !


Well-Known Member

I'm about to get some grandaddy purp clones and I was wondering if anyoen had any experience in growing this strain. How much did you yield on average per plant and what were your growing techniques???



Active Member
from what i read homes, not as much as some plants. i heard they are very fussy and have an average yield... but i am speaking from no experience. Due to every rapper talking about grandaddy purp, im sure the market is huge tho.


Active Member
The first crop I grew was granddaddy purple. My yeild was pretty small averaged 3/4 ounce per plant. I kept them very small (flowered @ 8 inches)and didn't pune whatsoever. the smoke is PRIMO! very dense nugs and have a dank odor that can only be described as DANK! I grew them in a BCNL bloombox (DWC) I actually posted a thread on here that has some pics of them. Right now I only have one going but I played around with the pruning and ended up with 5 tops about 7 inches long. there is a pic of them in a thread I posted labeled Alaskan Thunderfuck. there is a group photo of the ladies and it is front center. I would say from my experience that it is a very forgiving strain that won't show very many signs of stress. My first reaction was to keep pumping them full of nutes.........not a good idea. this last one i ran a 50% nute solution and it produced a lot better. My daughter ate the memory card for my camera, so I don't have any pics of it right now but will post some for you tommorow. I am actually in my last 7 days of flowering.
hope this helps man. peace


Well-Known Member
ur daughter ate ur memory card? haha sry im really bakkkkked, and just thought that was kind of funnny...but ya anywaysss those pics would be awesome. I'm gettin the clones from this guy i know whoa actually sells to mistah fab and some other rappers...his shiiiiit is the REALLLL THING!!!!! GRAPESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! DENSE AND DARK AS FUCK, even the roots are purple!!!!!!!!! crazzzzzy shiit i know...I can't wait to grow these babies. I'll start a journal soo in bout 1-2 weeks to let everyone know how my plants r din and any advice/help you guys might have.



Well-Known Member
mmmmnnn memory.... she had to make up for all the memory ya are losin everytime ya hit up a fat doobie.... wtf im not even sayin this stuff its the fingers

grandpappy purp i heard that strain was the bomb and is grown often in cali or is that purple urkle ahhhh who cares they're all the same pretty much


Well-Known Member
ya this is def. the best weed i've smoked ever!!!! and i smoke everyday! this shiiit right here mannn...thissss shiit right here....i'm jus sayin thats MY SHIT !!!! lol katt williams is helllla funnnny! american gottt c that movie HIGH!!!!