gravity bong & bad weed trip

ambush paddington

Well-Known Member
k so i just took a few hits off a gravy bong i made and its like i feel like im floatin in water but it a bad way, like im rly nausious, spelling, and my head feels like its spinning and going and my view is almost breathing but like im in filmy water or something, im really anxious parinoid and every imperfection is magnified about myself like wtf i feel like such a loser for smoking alone/smoking at all and this is rly ruining my evening and wtf do i do? help


Well-Known Member
You watch some tv and lay down. Have a bowl of cereal or something good and cold. That's what I'd do.


Well-Known Member
Try to relax, watch something that will make you laugh. Can you tell me how you made the gravity bong, the water bong I made didn't work so well. =/

ambush paddington

Well-Known Member
lol i just threw up, make a gravity bong by getting a 2 liter soda bottle, cut the bottom off with a saw or sumthin, cut a hole into the top to fit a bowl piece in, get a bucket filled with water and put it in until its almost submerged, light the bud and pull up till its filled with smoke then hit it, make sure to get all the smoke so it doesnt go to waste


Well-Known Member
dude... the best thing to do is watch funny shit and satisfy your tummy. You'll need to now that its empty :spew:


Well-Known Member
Can I make a Bowl Piece out of anything? My boy thru up the other day, it was madd black shit. He got scared. Today we realized it was all the pepsi we drank from the 2 liter we used the water bong from. =P


Active Member
This same thing happened to me the first and second time I used a gravity bong.
I felt really nauseous, and I had to lay down to feel better. What's worse is that I had brought a girl to do it too, and she was having the same experience, and I couldn't drive her home because I was too messed up.
She should have been able to handle it thought, she smokes daily, as opposed to me, smoking maybe once a week.
Just be careful with a GB, be sure to be safe.


Well-Known Member
haha you just smoked too much, sent yourself on a whitey dont worry the more you smoke the less often they happen, its real awful though isnt it?


Active Member
k so i just took a few hits off a gravy bong i made and its like i feel like im floatin in water but it a bad way, like im rly nausious, spelling, and my head feels like its spinning and going and my view is almost breathing but like im in filmy water or something, im really anxious parinoid and every imperfection is magnified about myself like wtf i feel like such a loser for smoking alone/smoking at all and this is rly ruining my evening and wtf do i do? help
Thats a good feelin man!! Enjoy that high!! Gravity bongs are the shit!! but if you really wanna get rid of that a bunch of food and get some fresh air,ha! good luck bro!!bongsmilie:spew: