Gravity replacement GRAVITation #10

Scotty Pot Seed

Active Member
I recently received a sample of "Humboldt County's Own GRAVITation #10"

It says it is a replacement for Gravity and "other effects that may be more desirable than gravity."

I have literally spent hours looking for more info on this. All I come across are old Gravity posts and posts about how Gravity is discontinued due to ban on PGRs or something.

Has anyone used this new stuff yet? I am going to start one one plant tonight, I used Snowstorm before and lived it. Definitely observed results. I just can't find any solid info on this new product.
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Scotty Pot Seed

Active Member
I've emailed them at [email protected] and haven't heard back yet. I have no idea other than some kelp extract from Gravity. They advertise it as "Something more", but what? On the website they advertise this as G #10. Not sure if what I have is the same as G #10 or not. I am assuming it is they just changed the name after sending samples out.


Well-Known Member
If you want gravity your looking for paclobutrazol. It may boost your yield but it also causes many health problems and is only for ornamental plants.

G10 is mostly kelp and aminos from my understanding.


Well-Known Member
Dang, I want a sample too..

Ive been researching it too.. apparently there are natural PGR's from kelp and alfalfa extracts. G10 contains this and does not contain any pacolo... I was gonna buy some at the store but the price tag scared me away. I already spent my money on snowstorm ultra.

I guess G10 is to be used as a finisher/hardener.

If I get some g10 I'll post info..

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
Dang, I want a sample too..

Ive been researching it too.. apparently there are natural PGR's from kelp and alfalfa extracts. G10 contains this and does not contain any pacolo... I was gonna buy some at the store but the price tag scared me away. I already spent my money on snowstorm ultra.

I guess G10 is to be used as a finisher/hardener.

If I get some g10 I'll post info..
I just buy the stuff with the best cartoon on the label


Well-Known Member
Dang, I want a sample too..

Ive been researching it too.. apparently there are natural PGR's from kelp and alfalfa extracts. G10 contains this and does not contain any pacolo... I was gonna buy some at the store but the price tag scared me away. I already spent my money on snowstorm ultra.

I guess G10 is to be used as a finisher/hardener.

If I get some g10 I'll post info..
It would be cheaper to buy a bottle of maxicrop and a bottle of nirvana. ..My boss ran it his last grow and was not impressed.