Great story...... Or not? You tell me.


Found the following story last night. Great story, but I find it a bit concerning that Leo is cruising around at night pointing their infrared @ random areas and buildings. I've always been under the assumption that they need a warrant to use it, and that the IR films out on the market were a waste of $$... But man did this get me thinking. Anything to be concerned about here? You tell me.

On 09/13 around 1 am, Officer Flynn was patrolling ******* Rd and was using his thermal imaging camera to watch for any anomalies. This camera is installed on the cruiser and is viewed on the laptop screen where warmer objects appear brighter and cooler objects appear darker. As he passed the small dirt parking area diagonal from the Nature Center, the camera picked up something on the screen that he couldn’t see due to how dark it was in the area. This anomaly was a vehicle…cool to the touch with the windows down. No one appeared to be around, but Officer Flynn though he heard something. He listened and this time "help" could clearly be heard. He followed the voice and located an elderly male lying in the marsh grass wearing only shorts and a t-shirt. The 86 year old ******+** resident had arrived around 4pm to bird watch on the marsh. He was only about 5 feet into the marsh when he fell off an embankment and wasn't able to get up. The low temperature overnight hit 44 degrees, and he laid in the marsh for 9 hours unable to move, and told Officer Flynn he was convinced he was going to die there. An ambulance was called to the scene, and Officer Flynn covered the male with a blanket while they waited.

We are happy to share that the male has since been released from the hospital and did not have any lasting complications from the incident. This outcome could have been drastically different, but because Officer Flynn used extra vigilance in his overnight patrol he was able to save a life. Congratulations Officer Flynn on a job very well done!


Whats the concerning part.
I guess I was just ignorant to the fact that leo cruises around playing with their infrared up here @ night. It's slightly worrisome to me anyways. Big kudos to the officer for saving a life, but the method of doing it was alarming to me.

I had incorrectly assumed that they only used their flir when chasing baddies through the brush or gathering evidence on a warrant, not when they were bored and crusing around @ 1 am. The area he was doing this was strictly residential with nothing but houses and a salt marsh, in a very low crime area of a low crime town.


Active Member
not when they were bored and crusing around @ 1 am. The area he was doing this was strictly residential with nothing but houses and a salt marsh, in a very low crime area of a low crime town.

Could be a low crime area because leo routinely patrol at night looking for ppl roaming in the woods