Greenhouse Grow 2015


Well-Known Member
Started doing small greenhouse grows last season to test the waters and see how it would turn out. Had a very good first and second grow. So this season I built a new heavy duty greenhouse 8' x 16'. Vegged up some Deadhead OG's until they were big enough to go in the 18 gallon pots. Took advantage of the light cycle and just started covering them about two weeks ago. These girls will be ready somewhere around the end of this month. All I used was the following. Fox Farm Ocean Forest, Tiger Bloom, Cannazym, Carbo Load on a every other watering.Tried to do the same feeding I do on my indoor room.


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I have a smaller 5'x10' greenhouse I'm building, and I've added an attachment point for a scrog. I have similar netting, I believe its sold as a way of training climbing plants, and I was wondering if it would be sufficient for the screen because the openings are so big (at least compared with the 2"x2" indoor scrog I have). But it looks like its working for you, so maybe I'll give it a try. This will be my first outdoor grow.

How many plants do you have in your 8x16 space?


Well-Known Member
The white netting is the standard trellis netting. Personally I never like it, lol opening to big. Jist found a site selling 4" opening and ordeted some. Will be usi g this for all future grows. Good luck on your grow. Greenhouse is the way to gogrow,lol..


Well-Known Member
Thanks for that info. When I bought it, it came in a package that did not specify the opening size, and it is much bigger than I expected. It was only a few bucks, so I'll probably keep looking, or if I can't find anything better, I might try to overlay two pieces off-set from each other to cut the opening size in half. I have vertical growth restrictions so the effectiveness of my scrog is important.

I'm using 100 gallon smart pots for my two plants, so each will have about 5'x5' (x6' high) of grow space. I've already got them started indoors, but it'll be about a month before they go out. This will be the steep part of the learning curve for me, for sure!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for that info. When I bought it, it came in a package that did not specify the opening size, and it is much bigger than I expected. It was only a few bucks, so I'll probably keep looking, or if I can't find anything better, I might try to overlay two pieces off-set from each other to cut the opening size in half. I have vertical growth restrictions so the effectiveness of my scrog is important.

I'm using 100 gallon smart pots for my two plants, so each will have about 5'x5' (x6' high) of grow space. I've already got them started indoors, but it'll be about a month before they go out. This will be the steep part of the learning curve for me, for sure!
I am running my greenhouse just as you would an indoor grow, only difference is a I veg em a bit longer under my lights before putting them out into the 18 gallon totes. Then I give them one to two more weeks of adding a little supplemental lighting to give them around 18 hrs then do the flip and 12/12. This way you can do 4 grows a year.So they are only inthe greenhouse a total of 10-11 weeks...


Well-Known Member
This way you can do 4 grows a year.So they are only inthe greenhouse a total of 10-11 weeks...
I'm guessing you are in a warmer climate than I am, but either way that's a great schedule. Eliot Coleman has some great books on year round gardening with greenhouses (Four-Season Harvest, The Winter Harvest Handbook), but I never thought about trying to apply the techniques to cannabis. Oregon is historically considered a bad combination of short days and too many overcast days to do much serious winter farming, but this last winter had a decent amount of sunny days.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for that info. When I bought it, it came in a package that did not specify the opening size, and it is much bigger than I expected. It was only a few bucks, so I'll probably keep looking, or if I can't find anything better, I might try to overlay two pieces off-set from each other to cut the opening size in half. I have vertical growth restrictions so the effectiveness of my scrog is important.

I'm using 100 gallon smart pots for my two plants, so each will have about 5'x5' (x6' high) of grow space. I've already got them started indoors, but it'll be about a month before they go out. This will be the steep part of the learning curve for me, for sure!
Any decent grow shop will have the harder plastic trellis and sell it by the foot. That soft cloth stuff is a pain in the ass to work with.


Well-Known Member
Any decent grow shop will have the harder plastic trellis and sell it by the foot. That soft cloth stuff is a pain in the ass to work with.
Cool, thanks for the heads-up. So far I've mostly been to hardware stores and farm stores, and most fencing of any material comes in 4 foot widths and my little building is 5' wide, so I was just happy to find something that would cover it in one piece. I'll definitely keep looking for something better. I've been to two "grow shops" in the area, both are hydroponic-centric, both are really expensive. I've got about... maybe 6 weeks to figure it out, I'll find something.


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing you are in a warmer climate than I am, but either way that's a great schedule. Eliot Coleman has some great books on year round gardening with greenhouses (Four-Season Harvest, The Winter Harvest Handbook), but I never thought about trying to apply the techniques to cannabis. Oregon is historically considered a bad combination of short days and too many overcast days to do much serious winter farming, but this last winter had a decent amount of sunny days.
Well if your green house is sturdy you can always put a 400 watt on a light mover to help get more light and also heat.

I'm in northern Cal so it gets a little cold here also. I run a dehumidifier, small heater and fans. when it's cold or night. I run a small homemade swamp cooler with box fan during days to keep humidity and temps down a little.

Overall a simple but effective setup. If I would have made the greenhouse another 4 ft longer it would have allowed me to dial in the environment even better.
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