Greenpoint seeds!!


Well-Known Member
I remember back in the day when I first started learning about the selection process, my question was if i buy a ten pk of seeds and select the best two phenos( male and female) and the two worst phenos and make seeds ,f2's or whatever they might be. Am I definitely gonna get better plants from the two best phenos vs the worst? I found that I got great finds from both but they were more consistent with the better parents.


Well-Known Member
Proper selection in breeding is not based on a pack of seeds but more on dozens or hundreds of plants and can be a long enduring process over time creating a constant supply of f1 or IBL seeds of strains we all know.


Well-Known Member
I have nothing against an open pollen chuck for personal enjoyment at all but that is a hobbyist type project and not breeding a consistent IBL or remixing a known hybreed. I do chucks but never forget who the chuckin' parents were.


Well-Known Member
I have nothing against an open pollen chuck for personal enjoyment at all but that is a hobbyist type project and not breeding a consistent IBL or remixing a known hybreed. I do chucks but never forget who the chuckin' parents were.
It was more like 3 or 4 males could have been the donor, therefore the question mark, it wasn't by no means a project, accident it was


Well-Known Member
Yesterday's dog party was a hit! The dogs loved the ice cream and hot dogs!! Posted a few pics over on the GPS forums

And funny Greenpoint story

Yesterday, our neighbor said she loved weed and smoked all the time, but after about 2 hits off a Greenpoint joint (mix of Chinook Haze, Evergreen and California Cannon) she turned a ghostly pale, had to lie down on the patio, and then went home 15 minutes later.

So today she shows up back at our house and apologizes for yesterday. She said she has never smoked weed so strong . . . . And she wondered if perhaps she could have the rest of the joint to take home and finish smoking. :joint::lol:

Lol. Greenpoint is crazy strong. Strong enough to knock ya' out. And then come back asking for more . . . !