Greetings to the community

Howdy All,

a little about me - Totally new to growing, and breaking my cannabi-hymen. Been raiding forums, books and all kinds of research. Recently put together a small grow and am in the middle of veg as I type.

I'm a medical marijuana patient in my state. Looking forward to the splendors and heartbreaks that the new garden brings, as well I'll be posting up my woes and progress with open welcome to critique and advice.

Thanks for the welcome all!

Here's my current grow (just the start) from clones acquired from a local pharmacy and transplant to their new homes. Woes started pretty much immediately, the little ladies are doing quite nicely now. I'll be putting a journal together documenting this grow with my plans and intents.

JimBro - they are 'OG x Pre98 Bubba.' Never heard of Riot's Clockwork Orange, sounds like I've been missing out though.

To the PIC's!!



Well-Known Member
Nice setup. Looks like you'll be starting off with a bang. And the CW reference was more about your avatar than anything. Did you know that picture is from A Clockwork Orange (Kubrick movie from the early seventies)? It was an extremely lame attempt at humor. My post, not the movie. The movie is far from humorous. Like my post. Except the movie wasn't trying to be funny. Comprende?

You should start a thread in the grow journal section. The knowledgeable folk here will help you out should any issues/questions come up (and they will). Just a suggestion. Peace and good luck!
Well, I never completed a grow journal but I did finish the an unsatisfactory end results. Total pull was small, but I learned a whole shit load.

Just switched my current grow to flower over the past weekend and we are definitely on the "greener grass side of the fence";-)

Ice Grow
  • No LST
  • Minimal Pruning
  • Just Grow, Flower and not make as many mistakes
