Grow box


Well-Known Member
The reason I had to add so much paint is that the shelf is made of particle board and it has that plastic covering on it that has that wood color paint to it. I had painted it once before, but the slightest abrasion would take chucks of paint off, so I added a thicker coat so it would hold. None of that might not matter now if I use this cabinet I found today.
Sanding the walls would've made it abrasive enough for the paint to stick...



Well-Known Member
Dude, it's eating away at the back of my mind, I can't pass this up.
I'm about to go back up there and take some measurements and see where I can put it.
It's funny though, just yesterday I was wishing I had a bigger cab to work with, then BAM! I find this one in the dumpster.
Nice! I guess there is a god...haha



Well-Known Member
Ok, this is the cabinet I was talking about, it looks like it was a kitchen island, maybe a counter top or something. It's still in the dumpster, I'm just going to need help getting it out, it's heavy, made out of thick ass plywood (either 1/2'' or 3/4'') Which is a major plus.

What do you think?



Well-Known Member
The pics are up, I just put them in the post a couple down. I cant find anyone to help me get it out of the dumpster though..


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm all excited about it lmao.
I'm going to replace the missing trim and craft double doors on one side of it. I probably should get paneling for the top.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a plan, update us when you get some progress done!+rep

+rep man, thanks, i'll put up more pictures and info as soon as I get it tomorrow.

I wanted to trim in down a little bit so it would fit in my closet, my closet is 31'' deep and 66'' wide, and the door is in the middle, it leaves me about 20'' on either side of the door. If I do put it in the closet, I'll have to cut it to be 30'' wide, but it will block most of the door, unless It's 30''x20''. Height isn't really an issue, I didn't measure how tall it was, slipped my mind.

Any way I look at it, It's going to be bigger and better than the book shelf.



Well-Known Member
+rep man, thanks, i'll put up more pictures and info as soon as I get it tomorrow.

I wanted to trim in down a little bit so it would fit in my closet, my closet is 31'' deep and 66'' wide, and the door is in the middle, it leaves me about 20'' on either side of the door. If I do put it in the closet, I'll have to cut it to be 30'' wide, but it will block most of the door, unless It's 30''x20''. Height isn't really an issue, I didn't measure how tall it was, slipped my mind.

Any way I look at it, It's going to be bigger and better than the book shelf.
I see...looks great homie! thanks for the pic comment BTW!



Well-Known Member
I couldn't wait until tomorrow, I had to get it tonight. I may not be the strongest, but I'm pretty damn smart. I couldn't lift it out of the dumpster by myself, so I had to think of something. I took two ropes with me, I tied one around both doors so i would have something to brace it on, and i used the other as a pulley. I had it out in like 5 minutes, not bad huh?


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking about calling this either the Garden of Eden Cab, or the Garden of Eden Creation Kit lol (I liked the Fallout games)
Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
I was going to make the cuts for the cab today, I got it marked and everything, and it started to rain, bummer. And my boss is late with our pay, again! Buuut I did score a free skateboard last night. Not really sure how that worked out, friend invites me over to smoke, and then gives me a complete board. I haven't skated since I was like 14 - 15, Might trade it for an amp for my guitar, or supplies for the cab.

Anyway, I'll update when I get some progress, just waiting on the rain.


Well-Known Member
I was going to make the cuts for the cab today, I got it marked and everything, and it started to rain, bummer. And my boss is late with our pay, again! Buuut I did score a free skateboard last night. Not really sure how that worked out, friend invites me over to smoke, and then gives me a complete board. I haven't skated since I was like 14 - 15, Might trade it for an amp for my guitar, or supplies for the cab.

Anyway, I'll update when I get some progress, just waiting on the rain.
Bummer, with the rain and the late pay! How about "The Cabinet of Eden" or "Pandora's Grow Box" haha



Well-Known Member
Bummer, with the rain and the late pay! How about "The Cabinet of Eden" or "Pandora's Grow Box" haha

The Cabinet of Eden, I like that.

Tomorrow, I have to get hinges and weather stripping for the doors, cut it down to size, cut a hole in the floor for ventilation, and fit it all in the closet. Oh, and I was reading something about using caulking in between the boards will cut down on the noise, I'm going to try it out.


Well-Known Member
Still haven't got anything done, today was the day but I got called into work since the other guy decided watching the Cowboy's game would be more fun than work. AND! someone came in my room while I was at work and stole my last bit of weed and cash. So tomorrow, I'm fortifying my room.