Grow Cab/ Carbon Scrubber Questions

Hey All,

I've got a cabinet grow going on. Still in the process of building it out. 400w select-a-watt (Currently set to 250w until I get my ventilation all dialed in). Due to the size of my cabinet, and the fact that I want it to be as stealth as possible I've separated the top portion of the cabinet for a ventilation chamber and to better accommodate all the equipment.

My workflow plan is this -- Light> Duct(feeds into the exhaust chamber)> Carbon Scrubber> Duct> 4" Vortex vtx400 iInline 172 CFM> Duct Out of Cabinet.

I've read that its better to put the scrubber on the front end (Scrubber>Light> Duct Out), due to size restrictions I can't fit a carbon scrubber in the same compartment as the light and plants.

In order to do it the way I have planned, will I need a carbon scrubber that doesn't have a cap on the end more like an inline carbon scrubber? Something like these - -- Or can I easily modify the end cap with an open

How important is it for the scrubber to be on the front end? If i'm still pulling through the carbon scrubber does it really matter that much?

What is the appropriate size carbon scrubber for my 172CFM 4" Fan to make sure my fan can pull through? Is there a size(dimension-wise) that could be small enough to fit(other than DIY'ing my own small one). Been looking at this scrubber -

Cabinet Dimensions
Light/ Plant Section -- 48"W x 20"D x 60"H
Total Dimensions -- 48"W x 20"D x 71"H

Let me know what you guys think and if you can give me some advice. Thanks in advance.

