Grow container size?

Newb here... well educated newb thanks to the wealth of great information on this site. :)

I'm running a stealth grow op with the dimensions of - 30"x17"x17". I absolutely have to keep these plants under 14" tall. I'm familiar with training the plant so that's all good... I really just need to know what size container to grow in. I don't want to overkill and go too small but I also can't have them too big. At the moment I believe that somewhere between 2L to 3L would be a good size but I could be wrong. Please help

oh ya, this will be mossy's purple gems going under a 90w triband UFO (new generation)


Well-Known Member
do a search for the party cup grow off competition and learn how to get great yields while keepin em small


Well-Known Member
Yup, Have seen some really sweet grows out of 16 OZ plants!
Frankly speaking, the bigger the better.

Why not go out and buy the largest sized pot you can fit comfortably within your grow space.

Good luck!
the more and more I read about solo cups the more I'm down to try it. it's going to seriously hinder my beer pong play though ;)