Grow Journal: Assorted High-Grade Strains & High-Mid-Grade Seeds Forced Female


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Month One:

Strains: 3-4 Seeds of Either Purple Haze, Widow, Jack Herer, or Ak47. The Rest of the Seed are assorted Lime Green Mid-Grade Seed Strains that will be forced to be grown females (or in other words what females I have from the will be seedless, way danker, and this is known as "sensimillia".​

Initial Plants Started= 11

Disposing of Two Pollen Seed Sac Males; Bringing Current,​

Total Plants To: 9.

Current Height: Some of My Plants Differ in Heights based on times they sprouted, however they range in the approximates between under one foot, one foot, one & a half feet.​


-I'm firmly starting to believe, that these seed strains are auto-flowering.​

-Major Technique Used To Grow:
I used seperated metal chain fence links, and bent them into what looks like a horseshoe... When my plants got about one foot tall, I literally staked the plants sideways, using the links to shove near the base of the stalk, into your soil.​

(REASON BEING:) The bottom colas/leaves of the plant will grow upwards, which is a unique form of growth! They will also, receive much more sunlight, and therefore the bottom of the plant doesn't die off as rapid, leaving you more stems and colas for buds to form up; instead of like 2 feet of bareness at the bottom of your plant, because the bottom leaves didn't get enough sun! This, is also, however a good technique for when budding occurs. All the buds get good sunlight sideways, and will grow upwards into the air, causing a very unique set of new colas... TIPS: while starting your seeds in starter pots, when they are about 5-6 inches tall, pinch the top set of leaves, this causes the plant to split into more colas, and start growing straight up... It is recommended that if you do split your leaves, that you do it a total of 3 times (NEVER AT ONCE). Do it once, let it grow up, because it def. will skip up some space, then repeat two more times...​

Also, for when budding starts to occur, since your plant is literally going to hang down to the ground, since the plant is sideways, you may have to take a pair of sharp scissors or some garden clippers, find the last space before the top of your bud (Your Top-Bud), and clip that whole top off... You may have to do this several times due to the weight the buds will create on the sideways plant...​

Forgot to add this this is VERY important, and is the first steps after either tying down, or staking down your trees: No kidding, depending on how sunny the day is, you may have to do this up to 2-4 times daily; When you wake up, and get the chance to see ur plot, if the plant near the top looks like its arching [usually towards the sun] very carefully, start to softly bend the stalk back down to the grown sideways... If you rushed this process, or wasn't careful enough, and you happen to hear and/or snap into the stalk: DO NOT WORRY! It's gonna be fine! Marijuana plants are WEEDS, and these plants are stirdy by now, and will ultimately repair theirselves. Best thing to keep in mind when growing, is to let nature do it's work, and don't constantly finger, and fuck with your shit!!!​


The Tallest, & Bushiest Plant So Far: Fake Owl statue to keep birds, rodents and idiot Poachers LOL ;) away, and especially considering the blackberry trees that drop their fruit down right on my soil. Can you can notice my tie/stake-down method in the works! Nice, aye?! BTW this is after I bent the top of the plant down using my fingers, delicately working the stalk to lean back down as it was. Just a slight bend here and there, usually a few inches down and up and there. Just to get it to sit low to the grown...​


I'd love to know what people think of my work, on the bottom colas of the plant!!!


Notice, how the towards the top of the plant, how it starts to arch out?! This, was before I bent the stalk back down. The first pic, I believe was taken after I bent the stalk down!



Active Member
Month #2 - Early Budding Forming
-On the first of the month, earlier this morning; I took the stakes from the base of the plants now that they have grown over a foot tall, as well as strong stalk structure, and I staked the plants back down sideways, but this time in the middle of the plant...

REASON: You probably could of just started out staking down the middle of the stalk of the plant, into the soil; HOWEVER, I thought it would be nice to start at the base, so at least the top of the plant would grow up and node out.. Following me thus far?

Early Budding (Possible Auto-Flowering)
-This is really bizarre, it is about be Summer time on the East Coast; and I already have atleast 2 out of 9 plants showing signs of white hair/pistils starting to form!!!

Some other stuff I either left out, or is New to the grow:

-I forgot to tell you that I started the seedlings in two seperate, 3 X 3 potted planter bases, using Miracle Grow Potting Soil. This soil is VERY good nutrients for your starting your little BUDdies!!! Even, then which we will get into in a bit; most people don't understand however, that you should, as I always do; Pull out the plant with a garden shovel, along with the "plug".

The plug is basically, all the dirt in your starter plant, which you will need to make sure you pull out all the dirt, and that it is all stuck to your root system. When you pull out your plant, you still have a ball/square of the original potting mix stuck to the roots of the plant. (You will know when you should transplant into your final and bigger soil medium. (I recommend never transplanting more than once the starter pots, into the final medium; because, the more you transplant, the weaker your plant will become, causing high stress levels to the crop, can lead to bacteria/fungus, stunted growth in the form of not growing tall enough, and/or bushing out normally!)

When should you transplant?

"When you pick the small pot up, look at the bottom at the drainage holes, and if the roots are growing out these draining holes, it means your plant is becoming 'root bound' a.k.a. your roots are running out of space to grow into.

Also, so why is this so-called "plug" THAT important in this process? Why not just take the plant out, and dust all the potting soil off?!"


1.) You're obviously not going to want to pull a plant out with JUST the roots, this creates a "Shock" to your plants when transplanted, plus having the soil still on the roots, makes the plant become adjusted to your new soil medium, because once you've planted them, and water them, the soil becomes one, and the nutrient system continues to feed your lovely outdoor grow!!!

2.) You obviously used the nutrients from your potting soil to vegetate a nice healthy plant, soo wouldn't you want that potting soil all mixed into your NEW medium; so that when the plant buds it still retrieves those nutes?! Majorally, in my opinion, I love the fact that everytime it rains, it soaks into the potting soil plug, and releases those nute beads!

I guess if my plants pistols actually turn into buds; there will be new pics up then.

Soo, for now, any comments or criticism is welcome! Next update soon!​


Active Member
The plants now stand around 2 feet tall...

One plant, has already started budding (auto-flowering strain)

There are now a total of 5 plants.

STILL tied down, sideways...

One plant, has a stem as long as the 2 foot plant stands!!!

