Grow Journal: Early Wonder Skunk and Mixed Seed Grow

Hello All,

I have started my grow just a few weeks ago and figured I'd document my progress. I thought that if I were going to document my progress I'd like to share it with everyone else. Like the title says I will be growing Early Wonder Skunk (Vancouver Seed Bank - Solar Warrior) as well as some Mixed Seeds (Canadian Seed Exchange). I am not too sure of either strain, but I was told that both the Early Wonder Skunk and the Mixed Seeds were of indica dominant strains.

Let's get down to the logistics of things...

- I have decided to use a nursery grow light with 2- 20watt T-8's (not too sure of the lumen output)
- 1 T-5 smack down the middle of the nursery light (2280 lumens)
- Used an old timer to regulate the amount of light the plants see during the day
- Planted all plants in separate beer cups
- Used basic soil outside seeing that this is where they will be going. I will use a mixture of quality soil with the crap from outside. I feel that if I use basic soil from the ground I will see which plant(s) are actually strong enough to survive out there
- I grow with a 16/8 light and dark cycle to replicate the weather during the summer in Ontario

Currently I am 2.5 weeks in. All of the plants I grew were from seedlings. I don't know of anyone who owns clones. I plan to be the clone guy sometime in the near future. Anyways, I will be posting pics every week or so. I will try to show pics of me actually doing stuff as opposed to you guys just seeing pictures of the plants. Makes more sense that I show what I'm doing during the whole lifetime of the cycle so people can throw me some responses, ect…

Below are pictures of the plants, the fertilizer I will be using for the time being and my fish tank I am housing this whole thing in (for now….).

Can someone please tell me when I should start fertilizing these little suckers or should I even start at all? Thanks :)


Sorry guys I didn't add the picture of the nutrients. I don't think I'll bother. Take a look at this website to see what it's all about:

I got it at a local hydro shop. The guy said it should be good enough for what I was doing. I wanted to stay away from the cooler things like Advanced Nutrients and other products because the plants won't get that sort of attention outdoors. I have no idea what nutes are or even how to use them.

By the way, some of the plants were grown in rockwool and some were not. I couldn't tell you which ones were because I'd have to lift them out of the red beer cups.


Active Member
Off to a good start,if I was u id put them outside, only if ur weather is holding up,
I'm at 14days,and I'm already about a ft tall and on my 4th nod, outside anyways, but I was inside for a week once the leafs got fat they went out no hardin off,100% survival,
Ferts are what makes the plants grow, n p k, right now u should have something with high n ( the first number ) like 20-10-10
I wish the weather were holding up. It is well below 16 degrees C or 60 degrees F during the nights and holds about 16 degrees C or 60 degrees F during the day. Not too sure if it's safe to put them outside as yet. I should have asked for a better nutrient solution, but the hydro-guy said it would be best to introduce a light nutrient as the soil and compost I will be putting on it later will gladly make up for the loss. I plan on doing this guerilla style.
Hey guys,

I just wanted to know when I would be able to top these bad boys and at what temperature should outside be for me to start bringing them out?
i got 2 plants off a friend that where sick and put them out side..i live in ireland so its very cold at night it drops down as low as 2-3 degress c at night and up to 36 during the day and they are looking much better and 1 has just started flowering
Hello All,

I am just updating on my progress. Everything seems to be going well and the plants are looking gorgeous. I decided to use a different mixture of my nutrients because the plants started to get yellow in colour, must have been from the lack of nitrogen in the Substra-Vega solution I was using. I substituted some simple grow product for household plants because it had a high nitrogen level in it (using npk as a guide). I used the advice from capone6182 and the plants have never looked better.:weed:

Today is April 19,2010 (1 week after the last post). Yesterday I started putting them outside to get some natural rays. Right now they are sitting by an open window as the plants stems are a little bit too small in diameter to deal with the wind.

Below are the pictures of the plants now. I hope they will be able to go outside for May 24 or before then.


Hello everyone, sorry for the lack of updates, but the plants are doing super well. I will post pictures later on today when they are under some light as they are sleeping right now. lol. They smell gorgeous and look awesome. I've decided to add sheep's manure to the top of the soil. Every time I water the plants the soil starts to compress and bind into the root system. I figured that after watering the plants for about 2 weeks or so the soil was fully compressed. I started to add the manure to the cups until completely full. All plants that still had leaves under the top of the cup were cut off (no need for leaves that aren't getting any sunlight). After I added the sheep's manure to the top of the cup I watered it thoroughly with water until the bottoms of the cups leaked water. I ONLY WATERED THIS MUCH BECAUSE I PLANNED AHEAD BY ALLOWING THE SOIL TO CRACK BEFORE MY NEXT WATERING CYCLE. Today I should be giving them some nutrients. I'll be using the same nutrient mix that I used last time and hopefully it works out. The plants are a little bit yellower then I'd like, so this Thursday I should be going to the hydro store to find some nice organic stuff for my babies. If I don't like what they have I think I'm going to buy a bubbler and start making some organic teas (ingenious, yet simple).