Grow location decision , pros and cons need help.

I'm planning out my first grow and have begun ordering equipment.

I am going with a DWC setup in an 18 gal tote. I'm going to start it w/ 2 plants, get my feet wet, then go to 4 plants the second grow if all goes well.

I am ordering a 400 watt HPS/MH switchable light with remote ballast.

I live in my own home, a 3 bedroom house. I go to school and play poker full time.

I have a spare bedroom with a small closet 4 1/2 ' by 3'. The whole closest is probably 8 feet tall, with a shelf around 6 feet with a rod to hang clothes directly under it. Is this enough space to hang the light from the rod and raise/lower it accordingly, or will I run out of space from top of plant to the light?

This would be a great closet to grow in, but I have the following questions/concerns.
Heat issues, and on a related note smell issues. Though I live alone, I do have company every now and then. My gf on a regular, but she'll know. So do I have to , or will I need an exhaust fan to the outside, and an intake fan?

Will the noise be a big concern, will I need to seal the door somehow?

My 2nd option is outside in a shed. I have a building w/ 2 sides to it. The 2nd side is storage right now, but can be cleared out. It's about 6' x 14' , of course I wouldn't use all that space. It would be good for keeping noise/smell outside. My only concern is keeping a consistent both air and water in the res. Can this be counteracted easily? Also what about flys and things that could get in/near the plants as it would be difficult to completely seal the room. In the summer the building could get in the high 90's I'm guessing. During the winter, the outside air temp gets around 0-10 degrees on occassion.

Thanks for the info/help